Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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SCFG System Configuration

System-wide configuration options in the Synchronet Configuration Utility (SCFG). The menu contains options and sub-menus of options that affect the entire BBS system and the Synchronet Terminal Server in particular.

Main Window Options

║         System Configuration        ║
║ │BBS Name            My BBS         ║
║ │Location            My City, State ║
║ │Local Time Zone     UTC            ║
║ │Local Date Format   MM/DD/YY       ║
║ │Operator            Sysop          ║
║ │Notifications...                   ║
║ │Toggle Options...                  ║
║ │New User Values...                 ║
║ │New User Prompts...                ║
║ │Security Options...                ║
║ │Advanced Options...                ║
║ │Loadable Modules...                ║
Option Name Description
BBS Name This is the name of the BBS.
Location This is the location of the BBS. The format is flexible, but it is suggested you use the City, State format for clarity.
Local Time Zone Choose the region which most closely reflects your local time zone. If your region is not listed, choose not US and then “Other...” from the menu. You will then be able to set the UTC offset manually.
Operator This is the name or alias of the system operator. This does not have to be the same as user #1. This field is used for informational purposes only.
Password This is an extra security password required for sysop logon and certain sysop functions. This password should be something not easily guessed and should be kept absolutely confidential. This password must be entered at the Terminal Server “SY:” prompt.
Users Can Change Password If you want the users of your system to have the option of changing their password to a string of their choice, set this option to “Yes.” For the highest level of security, set this option to “No.”
Days to Preserve Deleted Users Deleted user slots can be “undeleted” until the slot is written over by a new user. If you want deleted user slots to be preserved for period of time since their last logon, set this value to the number of days to keep new users from taking over a deleted user's slot.
Maximum Days of Inactivity If you want users that have not logged-on in a certain period of time to be automatically deleted, set this value to the maximum number of days of inactivity before the user is deleted. Setting this value to “0” disables this feature.

Users with the “P” exemption will not be deleted due to inactivity.
New User Password If you want callers to only be able to logon as “New” only if they know a secret password, enter that password here. If you prefer any caller be able to logon as “New,” leave this option blank.

Toggle Options

║              Toggle Options             ║
║ │Allow User Aliases                 Yes ║
║ │Allow Time Banking                 No  ║
║ │Allow Credit Conversions           Yes ║
║ │Short Sysop Page                   No  ║
║ │Include Sysop in Statistics        No  ║
║ │Use Location in User Lists         Yes ║
║ │Military (24 hour) Time Format     No  ║
║ │Display Sys Info During Logon      Yes ║
║ │Display Node List During Logon     Yes ║
║ │Mouse Hot-spots in Menus/Prompts   Yes ║
║ │Spinning Cursor at Pause Prompts   Yes ║

This is a menu of system related options that can be toggled between two or more states, such as Yes and No.

Option Name Default Description
Allow User Aliases Yes Allow users to be known by a handle, alias, or callsign. If you want all users on your system to be known only by their real names, select No.
Allow Time Banking No Allow users to deposit any extra time they may have left during a call into their minute bank. If this option is set to No, then the only way a user may get minutes in their minute bank is to purchase them with credits.
Allow Credit Conversions Yes Allow users to convert any credits they may have into minutes for their minute bank.
Short Sysop Page No Audibly page the sysop with a short series of beeps instead of continuous random tones.
Include Sysop in Statistics No Include sysops in the statistical data of the BBS. The suggested setting for this option is No so that statistical data will only reflect user usage and not include sysop maintenance activity.
Use Location in User Lists Yes Display user locations (city, state) in the user lists. If this option is set to No, the user notes (if they exist) are displayed instead.
Military (24 hour) Time Format No Display and enter time of day in 24-hour format.
Display Sys Info During Logon Yes Display system information during logon.
Display Node List During Logon Yes Display the active nodes during logon.
Mouse Hot-spots in Menus/Prompts Yes Enable mouse hot-spots in the BBS menus and prompts.
Spinning Cursor at Pause Prompts Yes Display a spinning cursor at the [Hit a key] prompt

New User Values

║             New User Values            ║
║ │Level                      50         ║
║ │Flag Set #1                           ║
║ │Flag Set #2                           ║
║ │Flag Set #3                           ║
║ │Flag Set #4                           ║
║ │Exemptions                            ║
║ │Restrictions                          ║
║ │Expiration Days            0          ║
║ │Credits                    10,485,760 ║
║ │Minutes                    0          ║
║ │Editor                     FSEDITOR   ║
║ │Command Shell              DEFAULT    ║
║ │Download Protocol          Z          ║
║ │Days of New Messages       0          ║
║ │Gender Options             MFX        ║
║ │Default Toggles...                    ║
║ │QWK Packet Settings...                ║

This allows you to modify the security values assigned to a new user account. You can also set the number of credits and minutes new users start off with. If you have configured an alternate command shell or external editors, you may select one of these as the default for new users. See the User Editor documentation for more information about user account values.

Option Name Default Description
Level 50 Security level automatically given to new users.
Flag Set #1 <emtpy> Security flags automatically given to new users.
Flag Set #2 <empty> Security flags automatically given to new users.
Flag Set #3 <empty> Security flags automatically given to new users.
Flag Set #4 <empty> Security flags automatically given to new users.
Exemptions <empty> Exemptions that are automatically given to new users.
Restrictions <empty> Restrictions that are automatically given to new users.
Expiration Days 0 If you wish new users to have an automatic expiration date, set this value to the number of days before the user will expire. To disable New User expiration, set this value to 0.
Credits 10,485,760 This is the amount of credits that are automatically given to new users.
Minutes 0 The number of extra minutes automatically given to new users.
Editor FSEDITOR You can use this option to select the default editor for new users.
Command Shell DEFAULT Set the default command_shell for new users.
Download Protocol Z Set the default download protocol of new users (protocol command key or BLANK for no default).
Days of New Messages 0 Set the number of days of messages that will be included in the new user's first new message scan.

The value 0 means there will be no new messages for the new user.
Gender Options MFX List of single-character gender options for new users to choose from.

Default Toggle Options (Default Toggles...)

║      Default Toggle Options      ║
║ │Expert Menu Mode            No  ║
║ │Screen Pause                Yes ║
║ │Spinning Cursor             No  ║
║ │Clear Screen                No  ║
║ │Ask For New Scan            Yes ║
║ │Ask For Your Msg Scan       No  ║
║ │Automatic New File Scan     Yes ║
║ │Remember Current Sub-board  Yes ║
║ │Batch Download File Flag    Yes ║
║ │Extended File Descriptions  No  ║
║ │Hot Keys                    Yes ║
║ │Auto Hang-up After Xfer     No  ║
║ │Multinode Chat Echo         No  ║
║ │Multinode Chat Actions      No  ║
║ │Pageable for Chat           Yes ║
║ │Node Activity Messages      Yes ║
║ │Split-Screen Private Chat   Yes ║

This menu contains the default state of new user toggle options. All new users on your system will have their defaults set according to the settings on this menu. The user can then change them to his or her liking.

Option Name Default Description
Expert Menu Mode No When Expert menu mode is turned off menus automatically appear at each new command prompt. When Expert menu mode is turned on menus only appear as requested with the '?' command. Expert menu mode off is generally referred to as Novice mode.
Screen Pause Yes When this option is on, every screen full of text displayed to you will pause with a “Hit a key” prompt. When this option is off, the user must use the Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q commands to pause and unpause scrolling text.
Spinning Cursor No Spinning cursor, generally displayed when a keypress is required to continue.
Clear Screen No Screen clearing before each message (posts or E-mail) is displayed.
Ask For New Scan Yes Each time a user logs on, ask if they'd like to perform a new messages scan.
Ask For Your Msg Scan No Each time a user logs on, ask if they'd like to perform a scan for messages addressed to them.
Automatic New File Scan Yes Automatic new file scanning after a New Message Scan All (NA or /N) from the Main Section.
Remember Current Sub-board Yes Whether or not the BBS remembers your current subboard each time you logoff.
Batch Download File Flag Yes Batch Download File Flagging prompt that is displayed after each screen full of files are listed to you. This function is handy for quickly adding files to the batch download queue without having to type the name of each file. Batch Download File Flagging can be temporarily toggled with the &B command from the Transfer Section.
Extended File Descriptions No Extended (multi-line) file descriptions in file listings.
Hot Keys Yes When set to 'No', user must press ENTER (CR) after most command/menu keys.
Auto Hang-up After Xfer No Automatically disconnect after file transfers.

New User Questions (Question Toggles...)

║    New User Questions/Prompts    ║
║ │Real Name                   Yes ║
║ │Force Unique Real Name      Yes ║
║ │Force Upper/Lower Case      Yes ║
║ │Company Name                No  ║
║ │Chat Handle / Call Sign     Yes ║
║ │Force Unique Handle / Call  Yes ║
║ │E-mail/NetMail Address      Yes ║
║ │Force Unique E-mail/NetMail No  ║
║ │Sex (Gender)                Yes ║
║ │Birthday                    Yes ║
║ │Address and Zip Code        No  ║
║ │Location                    Yes ║
║ │Require Comma in Location   No  ║
║ │Phone Number                No  ║
║ │Allow EX-ASCII in Answers   Yes ║
║ │External Editor             No  ║
║ │Command Shell               Yes ║
║ │Default Settings            Yes ║
║ │Color Terminal              No  ║

This menu allows you to decide which questions will be asked of a new user when they're creating their account.

Option Name Default Description
Real Name Yes Ask new user for their real name.
Force Unique Real Name Yes Require real name and ensure that there isn't already a user with the same real name.
Force Upper/Lower Case Yes Require that all names/locations are capitalized.
Company Name No When user alias are not allowed, optionally use the real name field to store a company name.
Chat Handle / Call Sign Yes Ask new user their nickname for chat or Amateur Radio callsign.
Force Unique Handle / Call Yes Require handle/call and ensure that another user doesn't have that handle/call already.
E-mail/NetMail Address Yes Internet email or direct NetMail address.
Force Unique E-mail/NetMail No Prevent new users from using the same email address as an existing user.
Sex (Gender) Yes Ask new user to identify their gender.
Birthday Yes Ask new user their date of birth.
Address and Zip Code No Ask new user their address and zip/postal code.
Location Yes Short location sometimes displayed next to a user's name. Typically a city and state.
Require Comma in Location No Force comma in the location as an attempt at forcing both a city and state.
Phone Number No Ask new user their phone number.
Allow EX-ASCII in Answers Yes Allow the use of Extended ASCII characters in user strings.
External Editor No Ask if the user prefers a full screen editor when composing messages.
Command Shell Yes Ask which Command Shell the user prefers.
Default Settings Yes Display to new user their default settings and allow them to make changes.
Color Terminal No Ask new users if they are using a color terminal.

Advanced Options

║             Advanced Options             ║
║ │New User Magic Word                     ║
║ │Data Directory             ../data/     ║
║ │Logs Directory             ../data/     ║
║ │Exec Directory             ../exec/     ║
║ │Mods Directory             ../mods/     ║
║ │Input SIF Questionnaire                 ║
║ │Output SIF Questionnaire                ║
║ │Credits Per Dollar         2,097,152    ║
║ │Minutes Per 100K Credits   6            ║
║ │Maximum Number of Minutes  Unlimited    ║
║ │Warning Days Till Expire   30           ║
║ │Last Displayable Node      250          ║
║ │Phone Number Format        !!!!!!!!!!!! ║
║ │Sysop Chat Override                     ║
║ │User Database Backups      5            ║
║ │Mail Database Backups      5            ║
║ │Configuration Backups      5            ║
║ │Maximum Log File Size      Unlimited    ║
║ │Maximum User Inactivity    5 minutes    ║
║ │User Inactivity Warning    75 percent   ║
║ │Control Key Pass-through   0            ║

Care should be taken when modifying any of the options listed here.

Note: For the directories, forward slashes will work in Windows and are preferred over backslashes as they will work cross-platform.

Option Name Default Description
New User Magic Word <empty> If this field has a value, it is assumed the sysop has placed some reference to this magic word in text/newuser.msg and new users will be prompted for the magic word after they enter their password. If they do not enter it correctly, it is assumed they didn't read the new user information displayed to them and they are disconnected.

Think of it as a password to guarantee that new users read the text displayed to them.
Data Directory ../data The Synchronet data directory contains almost all the data for your BBS. This directory must be located where all nodes can access it and must not be placed on a RAM disk or other volatile media.

This option allows you to change the location of your data directory.
Logs Directory ../data Log files will be stored in this directory.

By default, this is set to the same as your Data File directory.
Exec Directory ../exec The Synchronet exec directory contains program and script files that the BBS executes. This directory does not need to be in your OS search path.

If you place programs in this directory for the BBS to execute, you should place the %! specifier for the exec directory at the beginning of the configured command-lines.

This option allows you to change the location of your exec directory.
Mods Directory ../mods This optional mods directory can be used to specify a location where modified module files are stored. These modified modules will take precedence over modules with the same filename (in the exec directory) and will not be overwritten by future updates/upgrades.

Sub-directory searches of this directory also take precedence (e.g. mods/load/* overrides exec/load/*).

If this directory is blank, then this feature is not used and all modules are assumed to be located in the exec directory.
Input SIF Questionnaire <empty> This is the name of a SIF questionnaire file that resides your text directory that all users will be prompted to answer when creating their new user account.
Output SIF Questionnaire <empty> This is the SIF file used when the Sysop reviews the questionnaire answers from the user edit function (;UEDIT). If no output SIF is specified, the input SIF questionnaire is used.
Credits Per Dollar 2,097,152 This is the monetary value of a credit (How many credits per dollar). This value should be a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc.) since credits are usually converted in 100 kibibyte (102400) blocks. To make a dollar worth two mebibytes of credits, set this value to 2,097,152 (a mebibyte is 1024*1024 or 1048576).
Minutes Per 100k Credits 6 This is the value of a minute of time online. This field is the number of minutes to give the user in exchange for each 100K credit block.
Maximum Number of Minutes Unlimited This value is the maximum total number of minutes a user can have. If a user has this number of minutes or more, they will not be allowed to convert credits into minutes. A sysop can add minutes to a user's account regardless of this maximum. If this value is set to 0, users will have no limit on the total number of minutes they can have.
Warning Days Till Expire 30 If a user's account will expire in this many days or less, the user will be notified at logon. Setting this value to 0 disables the warning completely.
Last Displayable Node 250 This is the number of the last node to display to users in node lists. This allows the sysop to define the higher numbered nodes as invisible to users.
Phone Number Format !!!!!!!!!!!! This is the format used for phone numbers in your local calling area. Use N for number positions, A for alphabetic, or ! for any character. All other characters will be static in the phone number format. An example for North American phone numbers is NNN-NNN-NNNN.
Sysop Chat Override <blank> Any user meeting the criteria set here will be able to page the sysop regardless of the status of the sysop availability.
User Database Backups 5 Setting this option to anything but 0 will enable automatic daily backups of the user database. This number determines how many backups to keep on disk.
Mail Database Backups 5 Setting this option to anything but 0 will enable automatic daily backups of the mail database. This number determines how many backups to keep on disk.
Maximum Log File Size Unlimited This option allows you to limit the size of the following log files created and appended to by Synchronet in the logs directory (inside the data directory):

hungup.log; error.log; crash.log; hack.log; spam.log; guru.log

The largest supported log file size limit is 4294967295 (3.99G) bytes. Log files that have reached or exceeded the configured size limit are retained by renaming the *.log file to *.#.log beginning with *.0.log.

You must also specify the number of older/max-size log files to retain. The largest number of supported retained rotated log files is 9999. Oldest rotated log files are automatically deleted to save disk space.
Control Key Pass-through 0 This value is a 32-bit hexadecimal number. Each set bit represents a control key combination that will not be handled internally by Synchronet or by a Global Hot Key Event.

To disable internal handling of the Ctrl-C key combination (for example) set this value to 8. The value is determined by calculating 2n, where n is the ASCII value of the control character (Ctrl-A is 1, Ctrl-B is 2, etc.). In the case of Ctrl-C (n=3), 23=8.

To pass-through multiple control key combinations, multiple bits must be set (or'd together) to create the necessary value, which may require the use of a hexadecimal calculator.

If unsure, leave this value set to 0, the default.

Loadable Modules

║            Loadable Modules            ║
║ │Login           login                 ║
║ │Logon           logon                 ║
║ │Sync                                  ║
║ │Logoff                                ║
║ │Logout                                ║
║ │New User        newuser               ║
║ │User Config     user_settings         ║
║ │Expired User                          ║
║ │Auto Message    automsg               ║
║ │Send Feedback                         ║
║ │Chat Section    chat_sec              ║
║ │Text Section    text_sec              ║
║ │Xtrn Section    xtrn_sec              ║
║ │Pre Xtrn        prextrn               ║
║ │Post Xtrn       postxtrn              ║
║ │Read Mail       msglist mail -preview ║
║ │Scan Msgs                             ║
║ │Scan Subs                             ║
║ │List Msgs       msglist               ║
║ │List Logons     logonlist             ║
║ │List Users      userlist              ║
║ │List Nodes      nodelist              ║
║ │Who's Online    nodelist -active      ║
║ │Private Msg     privatemsg            ║
║ │Scan Dirs                             ║
║ │List Files                            ║
║ │View File Info                        ║
║ │Batch Transfer                        ║
║ │Temp Transfer   tempxfer              ║

Baja modules (.bin files) or JavaScript modules (.js files) can be configured to executed during certain Terminal Server operations.

Synchronet will attempt to find the configured module name in the following order, executing the first that it finds:

  1. Mods folder: JavaScript module
  2. Exec folder: JavaScript module
  3. Mods folder: Baja module
  4. Exec folder: Baja module

For all modules, additional command-line options/switches can be added when the module accepts them (e.g., nodelist -active):

Option Name Default Description
Login login Required module for interactive terminal logins. Occurs when a user is connected, immediately after the Synchronet copyright notice is displayed. Successful autologins (e.g., SSH, rlogin) will not display this module.
Logon logon Executed during terminal logon procedure, immediately after a successful login (both autologin or using the Login module above.
Sync <empty> Executed when terminal nodes are periodically synchronized (e.g., when node messages are received, node status is read, etc. while a user is online).
Logoff <empty> Executed during terminal logoff procedure (interactive). Does not occur when users hang up on the BBS or do a fast logoff.
Logout <empty> Executed during terminal logout procedure (offline) after a user has disconnected from the BBS, either by logging off or hanging up.
New User newuser Executed at end of new terminal user creation process (i.e., after the user has logged on, left new user feedback, and anything else that is required of a new user).
User Config user_settings User (e.g. terminal) settings configuration menu
Expired User <empty> Executed before hanging up on a user that has run out of minutes, and during the daily maintenance event if a user has expired for another reason (e.g., deleted, inactive). FIXME link to the daily maintenance event once scfg->xtrn is done.
Auto Message automsg Executed when a user chooses to edit the auto-message.
Send Feedback <empty> User sending email to a sysop (return error to cancel)
Chat Section chat_sec User enters chat section/menu
Text Section text_sec Executed to handle the text file (viewing) section.
Xtrn Section xtrn_sec Executed to handle the external programs (doors) section.
Pre Xtrn prextrn Executed once an external program is configured to run or selected by a user, but before the actual program has started.
Post Xtrn postxtrn Executed after an external program has finished running.
Read Mail msglist mail -preview Executed when a user reads personal email/netmail.
Scan Msgs <empty> Executed when a user reads or scans messages within a single sub-board.
Scan Subs <empty> Executed when a user scans one or more sub-boards for messages.
List Msgs msglist Executed when a user lists messages from the message read prompt.
List Logons logonlist Executed when a user lists logons ('-y' for yesterday).
List Users userlist User lists the users of the system
List Nodes nodelist Executed when a user lists the current status of all nodes.
Who's Online nodelist -active Executed when a user lists the nodes in-use (i.e., ^U).
Private Msg privatemsg Executed when a user sends a private node msg (i.e., ^P).
Scan Dirs <empty> User scans one or more directories for files
List Files <empty> User lists files within a file directory
View File Info <empty> User views detailed information on files in a directory
Batch Transfer <empty> Batch file transfer menu
Temp Transfer tempxfer Temporary/archive file transfer menu, where users can extract file archives to download only the files they want.

Security Options

║                           Security Options                           ║
║ │System Password                  *******                            ║
║ │Prompt for System Password       At Login and After 15 minutes      ║
║ │Allow Sysop Access               Yes                                ║
║ │Allow Login by Real Name         No                                 ║
║ │Allow Login by User Number       No                                 ║
║ │Users Can Choose Password        Yes, 4 chars minimum               ║
║ │Always Prompt for Password       No                                 ║
║ │Display/Log Passwords Locally    Yes                                ║
║ │Days to Preserve Deleted Users   14                                 ║
║ │Maximum Days of User Inactivity  180                                ║
║ │Open to New Users                Yes                                ║
║ │User Expires When Out-of-time    No                                 ║
║ │Security Level Values...                                            ║
║ │Expired Account Values...                                           ║
║ │Quick-Validation Values...                                          ║
Option Name Description
System Password This is an extra security password may be required for sysop login and sysop functions. This password should be something not easily guessed and should be kept absolutely confidential.

This password must be entered at the Terminal Server SY: prompt.
Prompt for System Password Require the system password, along with the sysop's personal user account password, immediately when a system operator is logging in. “Allow Sysop Access” must be set to Yes for this setting to take effect.
Allow Sysop Access Allow users with system operator access to perform privileged sysop functions while logged into the BBS. Setting this option to No will prevent users with sysop security level from invoking functions that require system-password authentication. Instead, when a sysop function is attempted the request is ignored.

This effectively overrides “Require Sys Pass During Login” below. The sysop will still be able to login to the BBS as a normal user, but will not be asked for the system password and will not be able to invoke sysop functions that required the password.

This setting also affects the sysop actions available in the FTP server when authenticating with <user-pass>:<system-pass> as the password. The sysop user can still authenticate and login, but none of the sysop actions will be available to them.
Display/Log Passwords Locally Displays passwords locally and logs them to disk (e.g., when there's a failed login attempt).

For elevated security, set this option to No.
Open to New Users Allow users to logon on as 'New' to create (register) a new user account.
User Expires When Out-of-time Set users to Expired Account Values (configured elsewhere in the System menu) immediately if they run out of time while logged in.

Security Level Values

║  Level   T/D   T/C   C/D   E/D   P/D   L/M   F/D   Expire To ║
║ │0         0     0     0     0     0    20      0   Level  0 ║
║ │1         1     1     1     1     1    20     1K   Level  0 ║
║ │2         2     2     2     2     2    20     2K   Level  0 ║
║ │3         3     3     3     3     3    20     3K   Level  0 ║
║ │4         4     4     4     4     4    20     4K   Level  0 ║
║ │5         5     5     5     5     5    20     5K   Level  0 ║
║ │6         6     6     6     5     5    20     6K   Level  0 ║
║ │7         7     7     7     5     5    20     7K   Level  0 ║
║ │8         8     8     8     5     5    20     8K   Level  0 ║
║ │9         9     9     9     5     5    20     9K   Level  0 ║
║ │10       20    10    10    10    10    30    10K   Level  0 ║
║ │11       20    11    11    10    10    30    11K   Level  0 ║
║ │12       20    12    12    10    10    30    12K   Level  0 ║
║ │13       20    13    13    10    10    30    13K   Level  0 ║
║ │14       20    14    14    10    10    30    14K   Level  0 ║
║ │15       20    15    15    10    10    30    15K   Level  0 ║
║ │16       20    16    16    10    10    30    20K   Level  0 ║
║ │17       20    17    17    10    10    30    40K   Level  0 ║
║ │18       20    18    18    10    10    30    50K   Level  0 ║
║ │19       20    19    19    10    10    30    60K   Level  0 ║
║ │20       60    30    20    20    20    40    90K   Level  0 ║
║ │21       60    30    21    21    21    40   100K   Level  0 ║
║ │22       60    30    22    22    22    40   200K   Level  0 ║
║ │23       60    30    23    23    23    40   300K   Level  0 ║
║ │24       60    30    24    24    24    40   400K   Level  0 ║

Selecting the desired security level will bring you to another menu similar to the following:

║    Security Level 50 Values    ║
║ │Time Per Day          480     ║
║ │Time Per Call         240     ║
║ │Calls Per Day         50      ║
║ │Email Per Day         50      ║
║ │Posts Per Day         50      ║
║ │Lines Per Message     200     ║
║ │Free Credits Per Day  10000K  ║
║ │Expire To             Level 0 ║

Here you can modify the corresponding values for that particular security level (0-99). These values will be given to all users who have the selected security level. Many of these values may be overridden by giving certain users the necessary exemptions (if required).

Note: Levels 90 through 99 are reserved for sysops and co-sysops.

Option Name Default Description
Time Per Day 480 The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the user will be allowed to be online. See the T exemption flag. Supported values: 0-65535.
Time Per Call 240 The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the user will be allowed to be online per connection/call. See the T exemption flag. Supported values: 0-65535.
Calls Per Day 50 Maximum number of calls/connections per day by the user. See the L exemption flag. Supported values: 0-65535.
Email Per Day 50 Maximum number of email, including local and network mail (netmail) messages that the user will be able to send per day. See the M exemption flag. Supported values: 0-65535.
Posts Per Day 50 Maximum number of messages that the user will be allowed to post per day (on sub-boards). Supported values: 0-65535.
Lines Per Message 200 Limits the length of messages (posts and email) that the user can send. Supported values: 0-65535.
Free Credits Per Day 10000K The number of free credits that are awarded to users with this security level each day they logon. Free credits do not rollover to the following day. Supported values: 0-4GB.
Expire To Level 0 A specific level or validation set that users with this security level will be given when the user expires.

Expired Account Values

║                  Expired Account Values                  ║
║ │Level                      0                            ║
║ │Flag Set #1 to Remove                                   ║
║ │Flag Set #2 to Remove                                   ║
║ │Flag Set #3 to Remove                                   ║
║ │Flag Set #4 to Remove                                   ║
║ │Exemptions to Remove                                    ║
║ │Restrictions to Add                                     ║

If a user's account expires, the Security Levels for that account will be modified according to the settings of this menu. The expired account's Security Level will be set to the value listed in this menu. The Flags and Exemptions listed on this menu will be removed from the account if they are set. The Restrictions listed will be added to the account.

Option Name Description
Level Security Level given to expired user accounts.
Flag Set #1 to Remove Security Flags removed when a user account has expired.
Flag Set #2 to Remove Security Flags removed when a user account has expired.
Flag Set #3 to Remove Security Flags removed when a user account has expired.
Flag Set #4 to Remove Security Flags removed when a user account has expired.
Exemptions to Remove Exemptions that are removed from a user account when it expires.
Restrictions to Add Restrictions that are added to a user account when it expires.

Quick-Validation Values

║ Quick-Validation Values ║
║ │0  SL: 10  F1:         ║
║ │1  SL: 10  F1:         ║
║ │2  SL: 20  F1:         ║
║ │3  SL: 30  F1:         ║
║ │4  SL: 40  F1:         ║
║ │5  SL: 50  F1:         ║
║ │6  SL: 60  F1:         ║
║ │7  SL: 70  F1:         ║
║ │8  SL: 80  F1:         ║
║ │9  SL: 90  F1:         ║

Selecting a level from this list will bring you to another menu similar to the following:

║     Quick-Validation Set 0    ║
║ │Level                 10     ║
║ │Flag Set #1                  ║
║ │Flag Set #2                  ║
║ │Flag Set #3                  ║
║ │Flag Set #4                  ║
║ │Exemptions                   ║
║ │Restrictions                 ║
║ │Extend Expiration     0 days ║
║ │Additional Credits    0      ║

This is a list of the ten quick-validation sets. These sets are used to quickly set a user's security values (Level, Flags, Exemptions, Restrictions, Expiration Date, and Credits) with one keystroke. Also, the user's expiration date may be extended and additional credits may be added.

From within the User Edit function, a sysop can use the Validate User command and select from this quick-validation list to change a user's security values with very few keystrokes. This is done with the 'V' command from the User Editor when logged-in to the BBS (;UEDIT command), or from the user list in GtkMonitor on Unix systems.

Option Name Description
Level Security Level given to the validated user.
Flag Set #1 Security Flags added to the validated user.
Flag Set #2 Security flags added to the validated user.
Flag Set #3 Security flags added to the validated user.
Flag Set #4 Security flags added to the validated user.
Exemptions Exemptions that are added to the validated user.
Restrictions Restrictions that are added to the validated user.
Extend Expiration Extend the user account expiration date by this number of days.
Additional Credits Amount of additional Credits that will be given to the validated user.

See Also