Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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Security Level

Each user has an assigned security level. Levels 0 through 89 are for regular users, while level 90 through 99 are reserved for sysops and co-sysops.


For each level (0-99), the sysop has defined limitations in SCFG->System->Security Level Values.

║    Security Level 50 Values    ║
║ │Time Per Day          480     ║
║ │Time Per Call         240     ║
║ │Calls Per Day         50      ║
║ │Email Per Day         20      ║
║ │Posts Per Day         30      ║
║ │Lines Per Message     200     ║
║ │Free Credits Per Day  4096k   ║
║ │Expire To             Level 0 ║

Here you can modify the corresponding values for that particular security level. These values will be given to ALL users who have the selected security level. Many of these values may be overridden by giving certain users the necessary exemptions (if required). For example, the T exemption will exempt a user from any time limitations.

Time Per Day

The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the user will be allowed to be online. See the T exemption flag. Supported values: 0-65535.

Time Per Call

The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the user will be allowed to be online per connection/call. See the T exemption flag. Supported values: 0-65535.

Calls Per Day

Maximum number of calls/connections per day by the user. See the L exemption flag. Supported values: 0-65535.

Emails Per Day

Maximum number of email (including local and network mail) messages that the user will be able to send per day. See the M exemption flag. Supported values: 0-65535.

Posts Per Day

Maximum number of messages that the user will be allowed to post per day (on sub-boards). Supported values: 0-65535.

Lines Per Message

This value limits the size of messages (posts and email) that the user can send. Supported values: 0-65535.

Free Credits Per Day

A number of free credits that are awarded users with this security level every day they logon. Free credits do not roll-over to the following day. The supported values were extended in v3.19c, from a maximum of 4 GB to 8192 PB.

Expire To

A specific level or validation set that users with this security level that expire will be given.

Access Requirements

Security levels may be used in Access Requirements defined by the sysop in SCFG and other Synchronet configuration files to grant or restrict access to specific areas of functions of the BBS. See Access Requirements for more details.

See Also