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Table of Contents
SCFG Nodes
A node is required for each simultaneous user that connects to the terminal server of the BBS.
Note: When nodes are added to this list, the LastNode value must be adjusted accordingly. See the ctrl/sbbs.ini file for more details.
Main Window Usage
╔═══════════╗ ║ Nodes ║ ╠═══════════╣ ║ │Node 1 ║ ║ │Node 2 ║ ║ │Node 3 ║ ║ │Node 4 ║ ╚═══════════╝
To add a node, hit INS.
To delete a node, hit DEL.
To configure a node, select it using the arrow keys and hit ENTER .
To copy a node's configuration to another node, first select the source node with the arrow keys and hit F5. Then select the destination node and hit F6.
windows how to add nodes screenshot and instructions
Node Configuration
╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Node 1 Configuration ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ │Phone Number XXX-XXX-XXXX ║ ║ │Logon Requirements ║ ║ │Toggle Options... ║ ║ │Advanced Options... ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
Configuration settings specific to the selected node.
Option Name | Default | Description |
Phone Number | XXX-XXX-XXXX | This is the phone number to access the selected node (e.g. for SEXPOTS). This value is used for information purposes only. |
Logon Requirements | <empty> |
Toggle Options
╔═════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Toggle Options ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════╣ ║ │Allow Login by User Number Yes ║ ║ │Allow Login by Real Name Yes ║ ║ │Always Prompt for Password No ║ ║ │Allow 8-bit Remote Logins Yes ║ ║ │Spinning Pause Prompt Yes ║ ║ │Keep Node File Open Yes ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════╝
This is the toggle options menu for the selected node's configuration.
Option Name | Default | Description |
Allow Login by User Number | Yes | If you want users to be able login using their user number at the login prompt, set this option to Yes. |
Allow Login by Real Name | Yes | If you want users to be able login using their real name as well as their alias, set this option to Yes. |
Always Prompt for Password | No | If you want to have attempted logins using an unknown user name still prompt for a password (i.e. for enhanced security), set this option to Yes. |
Allow 8-bit Remote Logins | Yes | If you wish to allow E-7-1 terminals to use this node, you must set this option to No. This will also eliminate the ability of 8-bit remote users to send IBM extended ASCII characters during the login sequence. |
Spinning Pause Prompt | Yes | If you want to display a spinning cursor at the [Hit a key] prompt, set this option to Yes. |
Keep Node File Open | Yes | If you want to keep the shared node file (ctrl/node.dab) open, (for better performance and reliability) set this option to Yes. If want to keep the file closed (for Samba compatibility), set this option to No. |
Advanced Options
╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Advanced Options ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ │Validation User 1 ║ ║ │Notification User Nobody ║ ║ │Notification Error Level Critical ║ ║ │Semaphore Frequency 5 seconds ║ ║ │Statistics Frequency 5 seconds ║ ║ │Inactivity Warning 180 seconds ║ ║ │Inactivity Disconnection 300 seconds ║ ║ │Daily Event ║ ║ │Node Directory ..\node1\ ║ ║ │Text Directory ../text/ ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
This is the advanced options menu for the selected node. The available options are of an advanced nature and should not be modified unless you are sure of the consequences and necessary preparation.
Option Name | Default | Description |
Validation User | 1 | When a caller logs onto the system as New, he or she must send validation feedback to the sysop. This feature can be disabled by setting this value to 0, allowing new users to logon without sending validation feedback. If you want new users on this node to be forced to send validation feedback, set this value to the number of the user to whom the feedback is sent. The normal value of this option is 1 for user number one. |
Notification User | Nobody | When an error has occurred, a notification message can be sent to a configured user number (i.e. a sysop). This feature can be disabled by setting this value to 0. The normal value of this option is 1 for user number one. Note: error messages are always logged as well (e.g. to data/error.log). |
Notification Error Level | Critical | Select the minimum severity of error messages that should be forwarded to the Notification User. The normal setting would be Critical. |
Semaphore Frequency | 5 seconds | This is the number of seconds between semaphore checks while this node is waiting for a caller. Default is 5 seconds. |
Statistics Frequency | 5 seconds | This is the number of seconds between static checks while this node is waiting for a caller. Default is 5 seconds. |
Inactivity Warning | 180 seconds | This is the number of seconds the user must be inactive before a warning will be given. Default is 180 seconds. |
Inactivity Disconnection | 300 seconds | This is the number of seconds the user must be inactive before they will be automatically disconnected. Default is 300 seconds. |
Daily Event | <empty> | If you have an event that this node's terminal server should run every day, enter the command line for that event here. An event can be any valid command line. If multiple programs or commands are required, use a batch file or shell script. |
Node Directory | ..\node1\ | This is the path to this node's private directory where its separate configuration and data files are stored. The drive and directory of this path can be set to any valid directory that can be accessed by ALL nodes of the BBS. |
Text Directory | ../text/ | Your text directory contains read-only text files. Synchronet never writes to any files in this directory so it CAN be placed on a RAM disk or other volatile media. This directory contains the system's menus and other important text files, so be sure the files and directories are moved to this directory if you decide to change it. |