Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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The sysop (System Operator) is the administrator that runs the BBS, and they have unlimited access and control over their instance of Synchronet and its users. When networked with other systems (e.g., DOVE-Net, FidoNet, inter-BBS chat), they are often considered responsible for any traffic originating from their system, including misconfigurations and any of their users' poor behavior.

There is usually one sysop per BBS, though Synchronet can be configured for multiple sysops (sometimes called co-sysops). In Synchronet, any user with a security level at or above 90 is considered a sysop.

Depending on the “Require Sys Pass During Login” in SCFG System Configuration under Toggle Options, the sysop will either be required to enter the system password at login or when performing a sysop-level function. Synchronet will prompt with SY: when asking for the system password.

Multiple Sysops / Co-Sysops

Multiple levels of sysop access (90-99) can be used to restrict some areas (i.e., message groups, sub-boards, file libraries, etc.) by setting the minimum required level of that area higher than the sysop's security level.

Any user with a security level at or above 90 can perform sysop functions, including ;SHELL access with the same OS permissions as the OS user that the BBS runs as.

Using the in-BBS ;UEDIT user editor, a sysop with security level at or above 90 cannot edit a sysop with a higher security level. ;SHELL can potentially give access to the useredit application that allows full user editing privileges, however.

:!: Users with sysop access can cause damage to the BBS, as well as compromise the underlying operating system. Give out sysop-level access with caution.

Sysop Commands

A menu of the available commands can be viewed with the '!' command from the main or transfer sections with the Synchronet Classic command shell. Additional sysop commands are available in many other sections of the BBS and are displayed after the normal menu with the '?' command.

A detailed listing of available commands and their purpose is available on the string commands page.

See Also