Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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Table of Contents

Bullseye Bulletins

Bullseye Bulletins (exec/bullseye.js) is a simplest script that may be used to display plain text files that contain information you would like users to have access to, similar to [General] Text Files Sections.


In SCFG->External Programs->Online Programs->Main->Available Online Programs, add:

║                    Bullseye Bulletins                    ║
║ │Name                       Bullseye Bulletins           ║
║ │Internal Code              BULLSEYE                     ║
║ │Start-up Directory                                      ║
║ │Command Line               *bullseye                    ║
║ │Clean-up Command Line                                   ║
║ │Execution Cost             None                         ║
║ │Access Requirements                                     ║
║ │Execution Requirements                                  ║
║ │Multiple Concurrent Users  Yes                          ║
║ │Intercept I/O              No                           ║
║ │Native Executable/Script   No                           ║
║ │Use Shell or New Context   No                           ║
║ │Modify User Data           No                           ║
->│Execute on Event           Logon                       <-
║ │Pause After Execution      No                           ║
║ │BBS Drop File Type         None                         ║
║ │Place Drop File In         Node Directory               ║


Bullseye reads the available list of bulletins from text/bullseye.cfg and displays text/bullseye.[msg|asc|ans] as the menu to the users of the terminal server.

New in Bullseye Bulletins v3.00: If the the menu file (e.g. bullseye.asc) does not exist, an auto-generated enumerated list of bulletin files will be displayed to the user for their viewing selection.

Adding Items to Bullseye Bulletins

Edit text/bulleyes.cfg using a text editor of your choice

user@whatever:/sbbs/text $ nano bullseye.cfg

bullseye.cfg file format


Note: the first line of the bullseye.cfg file is currently not used. The remaining lines are paths to bulletin files, correspond to the bulletin numbers in the menu file (if it exists).

See Also