Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

You can donate to the Synchronet project using PayPal.

Table of Contents

Bulk User Editor

A JavaScript port of the allusers utility.


util:jsexec allusers.js [[ARS] [...]] [[/modify] [...]]


Add the “A” to flag set #1 for all level 30+ users:

jsexec allusers.js "L30" /FA              

Remove the “G” flag from flag set #3 of all users:

jsexec allusers.js /F3-G                  

Remove the “P” exemption from all users with FLAG “2B”:

jsexec allusers.js F2B /E-P               

Add the “W” restriction to all level 60+ users with exemption “A”

jsexec allusers.js "60$XA" /R+W           

Note: Multi-word ARS strings or ARS strings with special characters must be enclosed in “quotes”

See Also