Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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This is an old revision of the document!

SCFG Nodes

A node is required for each simultaneous user that connects to the terminal server of the BBS.

Note: When nodes are added to this list, the LastNode value must be adjusted accordingly. See the ctrl/sbbs.ini file for more details.

Main Window Usage

║   Nodes   ║
║ │Node 1   ║
║ │Node 2   ║
║ │Node 3   ║
║ │Node 4   ║

To add a node, hit INS.

To delete a node, hit DEL.

To configure a node, select it using the arrow keys and hit ENTER .

To copy a node's configuration to another node, first select the source node with the arrow keys and hit F5. Then select the destination node and hit F6.

Node Configuration

║                   Node 1 Configuration                   ║
║ │Phone Number               XXX-XXX-XXXX                 ║
║ │Logon Requirements                                      ║
║ │Toggle Options...                                       ║
║ │Advanced Options...                                     ║

Configuration settings specific to the selected node.

Option Name Default Description

Toggle Options

║          Toggle Options         ║
║ │Allow Login by User Number Yes ║
║ │Allow Login by Real Name   Yes ║
║ │Always Prompt for Password No  ║
║ │Allow 8-bit Remote Logins  Yes ║
║ │Spinning Pause Prompt      Yes ║
║ │Keep Node File Open        Yes ║

This is the toggle options menu for the selected node's configuration.

Option Name Default Description

Advanced Options

║                     Advanced Options                     ║
║ │Validation User            1                            ║
║ │Notification User          Nobody                       ║
║ │Notification Error Level   Critical                     ║
║ │Semaphore Frequency        5 seconds                    ║
║ │Statistics Frequency       5 seconds                    ║
║ │Inactivity Warning         180 seconds                  ║
║ │Inactivity Disconnection   300 seconds                  ║
║ │Daily Event                                             ║
║ │Node Directory             ..\node1\                    ║
║ │Text Directory             ../text/                     ║
Option Name Default Description

See Also