Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

You can donate to the Synchronet project using PayPal.

Make User

The Nake User module is used for the creation of Synchronet user accounts via the command (e.g. using JSexec).

The JavaScript module is port (by Matt, 1979) of the makeuser utility, written in C.

MAKEUSER v2.0 - Adds User to Synchronet User Database

usage: jsexec makeuser.js name [-param value] [...]


 -P      Password
 -R      Real name
 -H      Chat handle
 -G      Gender (M or F)
 -B      Birth date (in MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY format)
 -T      Telephone number
 -N      Netmail (Internet e-mail) address
 -A      Street address
 -L      Location (city, state)
 -Z      Zip/Postal code
 -S      Security level
 -F#     Flag set #
 -FE     Exemption flags
 -FR     Restriction flags
 -E      Expiration days
 -C      Comment

NOTE: multi-word user name and param values must be enclosed in "quotes"

See Also