Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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Makeuser is a native command-line utility for the purpose of adding user accounts to the Synchronet userbase.

MAKEUSER v1.10-Linux - Adds User to Synchronet User Database

usage: makeuser [ctrl_dir] name [-param value] [...]

	-P	Password
	-R	Real name
	-H	Chat handle
	-G	Gender (M or F)
	-B	Birth date (in MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY format)
	-T	Telephone number
	-N	Netmail (Internet e-mail) address
	-A	Street address
	-L	Location (city, state)
	-Z	Zip/Postal code
	-S	Security level
	-F#	Flag set #
	-FE	Exemption flags
	-FR	Restriction flags
	-E	Expiration days
	-C	Comment

NOTE: multi-word user name and param values must be enclosed in "quotes"

See Also