Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

You can donate to the Synchronet project using PayPal.

Operation Overkill II

The original wasteland BBS on-line doorgame, Operation: Overkill, allows your users to battle against the evil and vile Hydrites in preventing them from conquering the planet. Great user interaction provides for revenging subplots of bloodlust and conquering. - Compatible with most any BBS software, fossil driver required of speeds 9600+, multi-node aware! Telnet aware!

Operation Overkill v1.20 has been released as freeware. The registration key is available at Operation Overkill HQ

SCFG Settings

Name                       Operation Overkill II
Internal Code              OOII
Start-up Directory         ../xtrn/ooii
Command Line               ooiidoor.bat            
Clean-up Command Line                              
Execution Cost             None                    
Access Requirements                                
Execution Requirements                             
Multiple Concurrent Users  No                      
Intercept I/O              No                      
Native Executable          No                      
Use Shell to Execute       No                      
Modify User Data           No                      
Execute on Event           No                      
Pause After Execution      No                      
BBS Drop File Type         GAP             DOOR.SYS
Place Drop File In         Start-Up Directory      



OOII Setup

Follow the instructions in OOSETUP.TXT, verify the batch file and set the door up as shown above in SCFG. The below menus are an example of the setup for the game.

Main Configuration

║ Main Configuration/Overkill 1.20 ║
║ »      System Information        ║
║         Game Information         ║
║        Player Information        ║

System Information

║              System Information/Overkill 1.20              ║
║   BBS Name                   «» SPLIT INFINITY BBS         ║
║   OOII Registration Code     «» NONE                       ║
║                                                            ║
║   BBS Type                   «» GAP                        ║
║   Path to BBS                «» C:\SBBS\XTRN\OOII\         ║
║   Path to Ansi Bulletins     «» C:\SBBS\TEXT\              ║
║   Path to Ascii Bulletins    «» C:\SBBS\TEXT\              ║
║   Bulletin Pause String      «» NONE                       ║
║   Multi-Node Operation?      «» NO                         ║
║   Video Mode                 «» DIRECT                     ║
║   Comm Support               «» NORMAL                     ║
║   Fight Delay                «» 42                         ║
║   Path to Game Data Files    «» C:\SBBS\XTRN\OOII\         ║
║   Path to Game Text Files    «» C:\SBBS\XTRN\OOII\         ║
║   Path to NEWS.ASC File      «» C:\SBBS\XTRN\OOII\         ║
║ » Path to BANNED.DAT File    «» C:\SBBS\XTRN\OOII\         ║

Game Information

║          Game Information/Overkill 1.20          ║
║ » Complex Name                  «» ZZEXLIA       ║
║   Map File Name                 «» VIDLAND.MAP   ║
║   Minutes per Game Play         «» 35            ║
║   Plays per Day                 «» 3             ║
║   Minutes Between Plays         «» 240           ║
║   Total Minutes per Day         «» 120           ║
║   Chat Hours                    «» 16:00 - 22:00 ║
║   Min Level for Kidnapping      «» 4             ║
║   Days Before Deleted From Game «» 21            ║
║   Oracle Threshold Point        «» 30            ║
║   Length of Frontier Log        «» 150           ║
║   Game Status                   «» First Install ║
║   Min. Avg. Level for Attacks   «» 4             ║

Player Information

║           Player Information/Overkill 1.20           ║
║ » Max Bases per Player           «» 10               ║
║   Max Game Plays in Gaming Room  «» 10               ║
║   Turns Until Hungry             «» 90               ║
║   Starting Stats Total           «» 60               ║
║   Starting Crystals              «» 4000             ║
║   Starting Long Range Weapon     «» NIL              ║
║   Starting Hand to Hand Weapon   «» NIL              ║
║   Starting Armor                 «» NIL              ║

Note: Syncterm can act as the Overkill ANsiterm. Just answer “yes” when asked if you are using it, if you want the sounds.

See Also