Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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The default user interface/display control settings of UIFC applications (e.g. SCFG, EchoCfg, UEdit) can be overridden by creating the file ctrl/uifc.ini (new to SCFG v3.20).

All of the uifc.ini keys are in the root (global) section of the file:

Key Default Value Description
video_mode 42 (80×25 LCD) The text/video output mode
uifc_mode 0 Bit-flags controlling the user interface library, see uifc.h for bit definitions, e.g. set to 2 to disable mouse support
ciolib_mode 0 (auto) Console I/O Library Interface mode, see ciolib.h for value definitions, e.g. set to 4 to enable ANSI output mode
lines auto-detect Height of user interface window, in rows/lines of text (usually, 25)
insert false Set to true to enable keyboard insert mode by default, not overwrite
esc_delay 25 Milliseconds to wait for escape sequence, differentiating between ESC key press and extended key escape sequence
scaling 0 (auto) Initial display scale of graphical window, fractions supported

Program-specific Settings

If a program-specific .ini file (e.g. scfg.ini, echocfg.ini) is found in the ctrl directory, that will file will be read instead of uifc.ini. The same root key names as those supported in the uifc.ini file are used.

See Also