External Program Data File (a.k.a. drop file), CALLINFO.BBS
format from the RBBS software.
This file should normally be created in the current node's directory
(example: C:\sbbs\node1
). The current node's directory can be easily passed
to external programs via command line (using the %n command line specifier
in SCFG) or more easily retrieved by external programs be reading the
SBBSNODE environment variable.
is a plain text file consisting of CRLF-delimited lines, parsed one line at a time.
Line | Example | Description | Comment |
01 | Jim Harrer | User Name | |
02 | 5 | Baud | 300=1, 1200=2, 2400=0, 9600=3, 19200=4, Local=5 |
03 | Bakersfield, CA | Calling From | |
04 | 1000 | Security Level | |
05 | 120 | User Time Left | |
06 | MONO | Color or Mono | |
07 | WCATIS#1 | Password | |
08 | 1 | User Reference Number | |
09 | 0 | Time On | |
10 | 12:44 | Time Str | |
11 | 12:44 05/08/89 | Time-Date | {Changed in v2.0 } |
12 | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOYZ | Conference Joined | |
13 | 0 | Daily Downloads | |
14 | 100 | Max Downloads | |
15 | 0 | Daily Download K | |
16 | 10 | Max Download K | |
17 | 555-555-5555 | Phone Number | |
18 | 05/08/89 12:44 | Date-Time | |
19 | NOVICE | Novice or Expert | |
20 | All | Transfer Method | All, Ymodem, Ymodem/G, Xmodem, Xmodem/CRC, Xmodem-1K, Xmodem-1K/G, Ascii |
21 | 04/24/89 | Last New Date | |
22 | 190 | Times on | |
23 | 23 | Lines per Page | |
24 | 808 | Highest Message Read | |
25 | 0 | Uploads | |
26 | 2 | Downloads | |
27 | 8 | Databits (7 or 8) | |
28 | LOCAL | LOCAL or REMOTE | |
29 | COM0 | COM Port | |
30 | 06/26/58 | Birth Date | |
31 | 38400 | Com Port Speed | Baud Init or Baud Rate |
32 | FALSE | Already Connected | |
33 | Normal Connection | MNP/ARQ or Normal Connection | |
34 | 05/08/89 13:44 | Date Time (Global) | |
35 | 1 | Node ID | |
36 | 0 | Door Number |
Note: In order to keep track of midnight rollovers, line 11 was modified in version 2.0 to include MM/DD/YY.
Most of the original software was written in Pascal. This is a routine to write the file (in Pascal)
- Save_Caller_Info.pas
procedure Save_Caller_Info; { Save the callers information when exiting to a live program or Dropping to DOS from remote. } var FileOut : Text; DateTime : String; OldSlash : Char; begin Assign(FileOut, HomePath+'CALLINFO.BBS'); Rewrite(FileOut); CheckError('Rewriting CALLINFO.BBS'); Update_User_Info_Before_LogOff; with User do begin OldSlash := SlashChar; SlashChar := '/'; WriteLn(FileOut, UserName); { Line 1 } case Baud of B300 : WriteLn(FileOut, '1'); { Line 2 } B1200 : WriteLn(FileOut, '2'); B2400 : WriteLn(FileOut, '0'); B9600 : WriteLn(FileOut, '3'); B19200 : WriteLn(FileOut, '4'); BLocal : WriteLn(FileOut, '5'); end; WriteLn(FileOut, CallingFrom); { Line 3 } WriteLn(FileOut, SecurityLevel); { Line 4 } WriteLn(FileOut, User.TimeLeft); { Line 5 } if ColorMenus then WriteLn(FileOut, 'COLOR') else { Line 6 } WriteLn(FileOut, 'MONO'); WriteLn(FileOut, Password); { Line 7 } WriteLn(FileOut, UserRefNum); { Line 8 } WriteLn(FileOut, TimeOn); { Line 9 } WriteLn(FileOut, TimeStr); { Line 10 } with DateTimeCalled do DateTime := TimeToTimeString('hh:mm', T)+' '+DatetoDateString('mm/dd/yy', D); WriteLn(FileOut, DateTime); { Line 11 } WriteLn(FileOut, ConfJoined); { Line 12 } WriteLn(FileOut, DailyDL); { Line 13 } WriteLn(FileOut, Cfig.SecMaxDL[Array_Level]); { Line 14 } WriteLn(FileOut, Sc(DailyDK)); { Line 15 } WriteLn(FileOut, Sc(Cfig.SecMaxDK[Array_Level]/1024)); { Line 16 } WriteLn(FileOut, User.PhoneNumber); { Line 17 } WriteLn(FileOut, DatetoDateString('mm/dd/yy', TimeDate.D)+Space+ TimeToTimeString('hh:mm', TimeDate.T)); { Line 18 } if User.Xpert = Novice then WriteLn(FileOut, 'NOVICE') else { Line 19 } WriteLn(FileOut, 'EXPERT'); case User.TransferMethod of { Line 20 } All : WriteLn(FileOut, 'All'); Ymodem : WriteLn(FileOut, 'Ymodem'); YmodemG : WriteLn(FileOut, 'Ymodem/G'); Xmodem : WriteLn(FileOut, 'Xmodem'); XmodemCRC : WriteLn(FileOut, 'Xmodem/CRC'); Xmodem1K : WriteLn(FileOut, 'Xmodem-1K'); Xmodem1KG : WriteLn(FileOut, 'Xmodem-1K/G'); ASCii : WriteLn(FileOut, 'Ascii'); end; WriteLn(FileOut, DatetoDateString('mm/dd/yy', LastNew.D)); { Line 21 } WriteLn(FileOut, Sc(TimesOn)); { Line 22 } WriteLn(FileOut, Sc(LinesPerPage)); { Line 23 } WriteLn(FileOut, Sc(UsersHighestMsgRead(HighMsg, ConfJoined))); { Line 24 } WriteLn(FileOut, Sc(Uploads)); { Line 25 } WriteLn(FileOut, Sc(Downloads)); { Line 26 } if DataBits = SevenBits then WriteLn(FileOut, '7 { Databits } ') else WriteLn(FileOut, '8 { Databits }'); { Line 27 } if Local then WriteLn(FileOut, 'LOCAL') else WriteLn(FileOut, 'REMOTE'); { Line 28 } WriteLn(FileOut, 'COM'+Sc(Cfig.CommPort)); { Line 29 } WriteLn(FileOut, DatetoDateString('mm/dd/yy', BirthDate)); { Line 30 } { Write Comm Port Speed } if Cfig.FixedRate then WriteLn(FileOut, Cfig.BaudInit) else WriteLn(FileOut, BaudRate); { Line 31 } WriteLn(FileOut, AlreadyConnected); { Line 32 } if MNP_Connection then WriteLn(FileOut, 'MNP/ARQ Connection') else WriteLn(FileOut, 'Normal Connection'); { Line 33 } with GlobalNinfo.TimeOff do DateTime := DatetoDateString('mm/dd/yy', D)+' '+TimeToTimeString('hh:mm', T); WriteLn(FileOut, DateTime); { Line 34 } WriteLn(FileOut, Cfig.NodeID); { Line 35 } WriteLn(FileOut, DoorNumber); { Line 36 } SlashChar := OldSlash; end; { With } Close(FileOut); CheckError('Closing CALLINFO.BBS File'); end;