Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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This is an old revision of the document!

Global War

SCFG Settings

Name                       Global War
Internal Code              GWAR
Start-up Directory         ../xtrn/gwar
Command Line               war /d %f
Clean-up Command Line
Execution Cost             None
Access Requirements
Execution Requirements
Multiple Concurrent Users  Yes
Intercept Standard I/O     No
Native (32-bit) Executable No
Modify User Data           No
Execute on Event           No
BBS Drop File Type     (R) GAP             DOOR.SYS
Place Drop File In         Node Directory

*nix SCFG Settings

Command Line               war /d d:\door.sys   

Assuming DOOR.SYS file is dropped in node directory. *nix systems can't use the %f here because DOS can't deal with the *nix paths.

Door Specific Instructions

When running GWAR in this manner it is not necessary to use more than one WAR.CFG.

:!: Be sure Line #9 of WAR.CFG is set to F for FOSSIL I/O.

See Also