Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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Node List

This Synchronet Node List module (nodelist.js) can list the Terminal Server nodes / active-users as well as the active-users of the Web Server, when running a compatible web interface. This module can be used to replace the hard-coded node listing functionality of the BBS's terminal server (sbbs_t::nodelist() and sbbs_t::whos_online() from getnode.cpp invoked via the Ctrl-U global hot-key handler or via menu options, e.g. /L) and the native node utility.


The Node List module may be run from the Terminal Server or from system/OS command prompt via JSexec. To invoke the module using JSexec, run:

jsexec nodelist.js [[option] [...]]


The available command-line options (or load() arguments) are:

Option Description
-active Include active users/nodes only
-noself Exclude current/own node from list/output
-noweb Exclude web users from list/output
-clear Clear the screen (if possible) before list
-home Home the cursor (if possible) before list
-loop [n] Loop the list, delaying n seconds (default: 2.0 seconds)


The nodelist module is now the default value for SCFG->System->Loadable Modules->List Nodes and Who's Online, so it needs no manual installation.


The Node List module supports the following configuration options in the [nodelist] section of the ctrl/modopts.ini file:

Option Default Description
include_age false Include user's age (in years)
include_gender false Include user's gender/sex
format “\x01n\x01h%3d \x01n\x01g%s” printf-style format of each node line
username_prefix “\x01h” Prefix (usually Ctrl-A codes) to insert before user's name/alias
age_prefix “” Prefix (usually Ctrl-A codes) to insert before user's age
gender_prefix “” Prefix (usually Ctrl-A codes) to insert before user's gender
gender_separator “ ” Separator to insert before user's gender
status_prefix “\x01n\x01g” Prefix (usually Ctrl-A codes) to insert before node status
errors_prefix “\x01h\x01r” Prefix (usually Ctrl-A codes) to insert before error counter
connection_prefix “” Prefix (usually Ctrl-A codes) to insert before current connection method (protocol)
include_web_users true Include web users
web_inactivity inactivity value from the [web] section Seconds of inactivity before considering web users to be disconnected
web_browsing “browsing” word used to describe web activity

The [nodelist] options from the modopts.ini file are cached in memory in the Terminal Server (by load/nodelist_options.js) for performance reasons and thus any changes you make to this file may require a logout/login to be observed by a logged-in user.

See Also