Synchronet Node Status

The current state of Synchronet terminal server (BBS) nodes are tracked in the shared file: ctrl/node.dab.

The node status can be displayed through various methods:

  1. NodeList module (Ctrl-U key handler)
  2. Node utility

Usually each node is displayed on its own line of the form:

Node n: username action connection (flags) [sysflags]


Flag Description
A Activity Alert Disabled: User of this node will not be notified of other users logging on or off other nodes.
L Node is locked for sysop use: Node is temporarily reserved for sysop use only.
M Message waiting for node: An unreceived short message (telegram) is waiting for this node.
N Node-Message waiting for node: An unreceived node-to-node message is waiting for this node.
P Page disabled: User of this node does not wish to allow users of other nodes to page him for chat or send him node-to-node messages.
SysFlag Description
A Anonymous: User on this node is in anonymous mode.
C Local Chat: This node is being summoned (pullled-into) local sysop chat.
D Down: This node will be shutdown as soon as possible.
E Event: This node will run it's daily event (if one is specified) before waiting for another call.
F Forced Chat: This node is being summoned (pulled-into) private node-to-node chat.
I Node will be interrupted: Node connection will be terminated as soon as possible.
Q Quiet: User on this node is in quiet mode (can't be seen by other nodes/users).
R Rerun: This node will Rerun when user logs off.
U User data update: This user's data has been modified by another node and needs to be read from disk.

If the node is not in use, the possible status are:

See Also