Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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talk:access:sysop [2022/03/03 18:34] – Keeping track of misspellings in code files that once done compiling can be submitted all at once. Andretalk:access:sysop [2022/03/10 03:31] (current) – Source code changes in March 2022 made this help text obsolete. Andre
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 ====== talk:access:sysop ====== ====== talk:access:sysop ======
-Moving the multiple sysop section here because I'm unable to test correct functionality. Additionally, ;SHELL is unrestricted, so you can just run useredit and edit whatever you want. 
-==== Multiple Sysops / Co-Sysops ==== 
-Any user with a security level at or above 90 can perform sysop functions. 
-Multiple levels of sysop access (90-99) can be used to restrict some areas (i.e., message groups, sub-boards, file libraries, etc.) by setting the minimum required level of that area higher than the sysop's security level. 
-=== Sysop User Editing Limitations === 
-  * Cannot edit sysop accounts that have a higher security level 
-  * Cannot grant another user a security level higher than their own 
-  * Cannot grant another user with a higher security level than their own, any flags or exemptions that the editing sysop does not have 
-==== Code spelling issues ==== 
-Recording of misspellings in the code that can later be fixed in a single commit. 
-=== text/menu/sysmain.asc === 
-3: preceded, not preceeded (there are a lot of "preceeded" in various files) 
-=== exec/str_commands.js === 
-80: comma before "as well as" 
-80: current, not currrent 
-80: optionally, not opptionally 
-80: nodes', not nodes 
-155: JavaScript, not JavaScirpt 