Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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CTerm is the ANSI parsing code maintained as part of ciolib (and used by SyncTERM). This page is basically a pretty version of the cterm.txt file in git, as of 72305c4cfe7afe31064422694beac53a9fe8e5f3

The text file is still the normative reference, but this may serve as a friendlier source.

CTerm terminal characteristics

End of line behaviour (wrapping)

The cursor is moved to the first character of the next line as soon as a character is written to the last column of the current line, not on the next character. A tab will wrap to the next line only if the current cursor position is the last character on the line. This behavior is often surprising to people who are used to VT emulators which implement the LCF as documented in STD-070, who expect the cursor to “stick” in the last column until the next character is received.

There are two settable flags that will impact the default behaviour.

CSI ? 7 l will disable wrapping at the end of line completely, and any characters written to the last column will not move the cursor at all, overwriting the existing charater. Default behaviour can be restored with CSI ? 7 h.

If the CSI = 4 h sequence is received, CTerm will enable LCF mode as documented in STD-070, and CSI = 4 l will restore default behaviour. CSI = 5 h will set LCF mode and disable CSI = 4 l, as well as cause LCF to remain enabled across an ESC c (RIS).

Specifically, the LCF will be set when displaying a printable character advances the cursor to the right margin, and cleared by any of the following being received: CSI ? 6 h, CSI ? 6 l, CSI ? 7 l, CSI @, CSI A, CSI B, CSI a, CSI j, CSI H, CSI f, CSI I, CSI Y, CSI J, CSI K, CSI P, CSI X, CSI r, ESC E, ESC M, CR, LF, BS, TAB, Any normal printable character when the cursor is at the right margin (of the screen or scrollable area).

Control Characters

Name Hex Description
NUL 0x00 No action is taken unless doorway mode is enabled. In doorway mode, indicates that the next character is a literal character. The IBM CP437 character will be displayed. This allows ESC and other control characters to be placed on the screen.
BEL 0x07 Terminal will beep
BS 0x08 Non-destructive backspace. Moves cursor position to the previous column unless the current column is the first, in which case no operation is performed.
HT 0x09 Moves to the next horizontal tab stop. Does not overwrite any characters in between. If there are no tab stops left in the line, moves to the first position of the next line. If the starting position is on the last line, will perform a scroll, filling the new line at bottom with the current attribute.
LF 0x0A Move cursor position to same column of the next row. If current row is the last row, scrolls the screen up and fills the new row with the current attribute.
CR 0x0D Move cursor position to column 1 of the current line
ESC 0x1B Introduces a control code. The ESC and the next byte together form the control code. If the control code is not valid, the ESC is ignored.

Control Codes

Control codes are in the following format: ESC {'0' (ZERO) to '~'} Legal combinations which are not handled are silently dropped.

Mnemonic Name Sequence Description
NEL Next Line ESC E Moves to the line home position of the next line. (Same as CR LF)
HTS Set Tab ESC H Sets a tab stop at the current column. ECMA-048
RI Reverse Line Feed ESC M Move up one line. ECMA-048
DCS Device Control String ESC P Begins a string consisting of the characters 0x08 - 0x0d and 0x20-0x7e, terminated by a String Terminator (ST)
SOS Start of String ESC X As the above strings, but may contain any characters except a Start Of String sequence or a String Terminator sequence. The string is currently ignored.
CSI Control Sequence Introducer ESC [ Introduces a control sequence. If the control valid, but not supported the CSI is ignored. If the control sequence is not valid, it is displayed
ST String Terminator ESC \ Ends a string sequence
OSC Operating System Command ESC ] Begins a string consisting of the characters 0x08 - 0x0d and 0x20-0x7e, terminated by a String Terminator (ST)
PM Privacy Message ESC ^ Begins a string consisting of the characters 0x08 - 0x0d and 0x20-0x7e, terminated by a String Terminator (ST) The string is currently ignored.
APS Application Program String ESC _ Begins a string consisting of the characters 0x08 - 0x0d and 0x20-0x7e, terminated by a String Terminator (ST)
RIS Reset to Initial State ESC c Resets all the terminal settings, clears the screen, and homes the cursor.

Supported DCS string values

CTerm loadable font

Sequence: CTerm:Font:p1:<b64>
Indicates the string is a loadable font. (CTerm 1.213)

p1 is a font slot number, which must be higher than the last default defined font (See CSI sp D for list of predefined fonts). <b64> is the base64 encoded font data. Font size is deduced from the size of the data. This replaces the now deprecated CSI = Ps1 ; Ps2 {

Sixel Sequence

Sequence: [ p1 [ ; p2 ] ] q
Defaults: p1 = 0 p2 = 0
Indicates the string is a sixel sequence.

p1 selects the vertical height of a single pixel. This may be overridden by the raster attributes command, and is deprecated.

Supported values

Value Vertical Size
0,1,5,6 2 pixels
2 5 pixels
3,4 3 pixels
7,8,9 1 pixel

p2 indicates if unset sixels should be set to the current background colour. If p2 is 1, positions specified as 0 remain at their current colour.

Any additional parameters are ignored.

The rest of the string is made up of sixel data characters and sixel control functions. Sixel data characters are in the rage of '?' (0x3f) to '~' (0x7e). Each sixel data character represents six vertical pixels. The data is extracted by subtracting 0x3f from the ASCII value of the character. The least significant bit is the topmost pixel.

Sixel Control Functions
String Name Description
! Pn X Graphics Repeat Introducer The character X is repeated Pn times.
p1 ; p2 [ ; p3 [ ; p4 ] ] Raster Attributes p1 indicates the vertical size in pixels of each sixel.
p2 indicates the horizontal size in pixels.
p3 and p4 define the height and width (in sixels) respectively of a block to fill with the background colour. This block may not extend past the current bottom of the screen. If any pixel data characters proceed this command, it is ignored.
# p1 Colour Select Selects the current foreground colour from the sixel palette.
# p1 ; p2 ; p3 ; p4 ; p5 Palette map Defines sixel palette entry p1 and sets it as the current foreground colour. p2 specifies the colour space to define the colour in, the only supported value is 2. p3, p4, and p5 specify the red, green, and blue content as a percentage (0-100).
$ Graphics Carriage Return Returns the active position to the left border of the same sixel row. Generally, one pass per colour is used. In passes after the first one, sixels with a value of zero are not overwritten with the background colour.
- Graphics New Line Moves the active position to the left border of the next sixel row.

Request Status String (DECRQSS)

Sequence: $ q pt
pt is the intermediate and/or final characters of a control function to query the status of. The terminal will send a response in the format DCS p1 $ r pt ST

p1 is 1 if the terminal supports querying the control function and 0 if it does not.

pt is the characters in the control function except the CSI characters.

Currently supported values of p1:

Value Description
m Request SGR parameters
r Request top and bottom margins
s Request left and right margins
t Request height in lines
$| Request width in columns
*| Request height in lines

Define Macro (DECDMAC)

Sequence: p1 [ ; p2 [ ; p3 ] ! z
Defaults: p2 = 0 p3 = 0
Sets a macro to be replayed using CSI Pn * z

p1 is the macro number to set, and make be between 0 and 63 inclusive.

If p2 is zero, the macro numbered p1 will be deleted. If p2 is one, all macros are deleted.

If p3 is zero, the macro is defined using ASCII characters (0x20 - 0x7e and 0xa0 - 0xff only) if p3 is one, the macro is defined using hex pairs.

When the macro is defined using hex pairs, a repeat sequence may be included in the format of ! Pn ; D..D ;. Pn specifies the number of repeats (default of one instance) D..D is the sequence of pairs to send Pn times. The terminating ; may be left out if the sequence to be repeated ends at the end of the string.

Supported OSC string values

Palette Redefinition

Sequence: 4;(pX;pY)...
Specifies one or more palette redefinitions. pX is the palette index, and pY is the colour definition Color format: rgb:R/G/B Where R, G, and B are a sequence of one to four hex digits representing the value of the red, green, and blue channels respectively. xterm

Supported APS string values

SyncTERM implements the following APS commands:

Store File

Sequence: APS SyncTERM:C;S Ps1 Ps2 ST
Where Ps1 is a filename and Ps2 is the base64 encoded contents of the file. The named file is stored in the cache directory for the current connection.

List Files in Cache

Sequence: APS SyncTERM:C;L Ps ST
List files in cache. SyncTERM responds with an APS string with lines separated by newlines. The first line is always “SyncTERM:C;L\n” and for each matching file, a line in the form <Filename> TAB <MD5 sum> LF is sent (ie: “coolfont.fnt\t595f44fec1e92a71d3e9e77456ba80d1\n”)

And additional argument can be specified as a glob(3) pattern (defaults to “*”) in APS SyncTERM:C;L;Ps ST.

Set Font

Sequence: APS SyncTERM:C;SetFont Pn Ps
Where Pn is a font slot number (max 255) and Ps is a filename in the cache. This sets font slot Pn to use the specified font file.

Draw PPM

Sequence: APS SyncTERM:C;DrawPPM Ps... Ps2
Draws a PPM from the cache directory on the screen. Ps2 is the filename and is required. Arguments for Ps are optional. The following options can be included (separated by semi-colons):

Option Description
SX=# Sets the left X position in the specified image to copy from. Default = 0.
SY=# Sets the top Y position in the specified image to copy from. Default = 0.
SW=# Sets the width of the portion of the image to copy. Default = Image width - SX
SH=# Sets the height of the portion of the image to copy. Default = Image height - SH
DX=# Sets the X position on the screen to draw the image at. Default = 0.
DY=# Sets the Y position on the screen to draw the image at. Default = 0.
MX=# Sets the X position in the mask to start applying from. Default = 0.
MY=# Sets the Y position in the mask to start applying from. Default = 0.
MW=# Sets the overall width of the mask (not the width to apply). If MFILE is not specified, and a mask is (ie: using MASK=), this is required. If MFILE is specified, the width is read from the file.
MH=# Sets the overall height of the mask (not the height to apply). If MFILE is not specified, and a mask is (ie: using MASK=), this is required. If MFILE is specified, the width is read from the file.
MFILE=<filename> Specifies a filename in the cache directory of a PBM file specifying a mask of which pixels to copy. Any pixel set to black (ie: 1) in the PBM will be drawn from the source image. Pixels set to white (ie: 0) will be left untouched.
MASK=<maskbits> Specifies a base64-encoded bitmap, each set bit will be drawn from the source image, cleared bits will not be drawn. Requires MW= and MH= to be specified.
MBUF Uses the loaded mask buffer.

The PPM file may be raw (preferred) or text. SyncTERM does not support more than 255 values per colour channel and assumes it is correctly using the BT.709 gamma transfer.

Load PPM

Sequence: APS SyncTERM:C;LoadPPM Ps... Ps0
Loads a PPM to a buffer. Ps0 is the filename

B=# Selects the buffer (0 or 1 only) to paste from.

Load PBM

Sequence: APS SyncTERM:C;LoadPBM Ps... Ps0
Loads a PBM to a buffer. Ps0 is the filename


Sequence: APS SyncTERM:P;Copy Ps...
Copies a portion of the screen into an internal buffer for use with the Paste function. Defaults to copying the entire screen.

B=# Selects the buffer (0 or 1 only) to copy to.
X=# Sets the left X position on the screen to start copying at. Default = 0.
Y=# Sets the top Y position on the screen to start copying at. Default = 0.
W=# Sets the width to copy. Default = Screen width - X.
H=# Sets the height to copy. Default = Screen height - X.


Sequence: APS SyncTERM:P,Paste Ps...
Pastes from the copied buffer. Supports the same options as the Cache DrawPPM command except for the filename, and adds the B= option.

B=# Selects the buffer (0 or 1 only) to paste from.

Control Sequences

Control sequences are in the following format: CSI {'0' (ZERO) to '?'}{SPACE to '/'}{'@' to '~'} There may be multiple characters from the {'0' (ZERO) to '?'} and {SPACE to '/'} before the terminating {'@' to '~'} character.

Legal combinations not handled are silently dropped. Illegal combinations are displayed.

Sequence Parameters

Parameters are expressed by the {'0' (ZERO) to '?'} character set. Sequences which use parameters use decimal parameters separated by a ';'. The use of a ':' from the set is reserved. If the parameter string begins with '<', '=', '>', or '?' then this is a non-standard extension to the ANSI spec.

Pn Indicates a single numeric parameter
Pn1 ; Pn2 Two numeric parameters
Pn... Any number of numeric parameters
Ps Single selective parameter
Ps1 ; Ps1 Two selective parameters
Ps... Any numer of selective parameters

If a default is defined, the parameter is optional

Insert Character(s) (ICH)

Sequence: CSI Pn @
Defaults: Pn = 1
Moves text from the current position to the right edge Pn characters to the right, with rightmost characters going off-screen and the resulting hole being filled with the current attribute. ECMA-48

Scroll Left (SL)

Sequence: CSI Pn SP @
Defaults: Pn = 1
Shifts the contents of the screen left Pn columns(s) with leftmost columns going off-screen and the resulting hole being filled with the current attribute. ECMA-48

Cursor Up (CUU)

Sequence: CSI Pn A
Defaults: Pn = 1
Moves the cursor position up Pn lines from the current position. Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor at the screen boundary. ECMA-48

Scroll Right (SR)

Sequence: CSI Pn SP A
Defaults: Pn = 1
Shifts the contents of the screen right Pn columns(s) with rightmost columns going off-screen and the resulting hole being filled with the current attribute. ECMA-48

Cursor Down (CUD)

Sequence: CSI Pn B
Defaults: Pn = 1
Moves the cursor position down Pn lines from the current position. Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor at the screen boundary. ECMA-48

Cursor Right (CUF)

Sequence: CSI Pn C
Defaults: Pn = 1
Moves the cursor position right Pn columns from the current position. Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor at the screen boundary. ECMA-48

Cursor Left (CUB)

Sequence: CSI Pn D
Defaults: Pn = 1
Moves the cursor position left Pn columns from the current position. Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor at the screen boundary. ECMA-48

Font Selection (FNT)

Sequence: CSI Ps1 ; Ps2 SP D
Defaults: Ps1 = 0, Ps2 = 0
Sets font Ps1 to be the one indicated by Ps2. Currently four fonts are supported. Ps2 must be between 0 and 255. Not all output types support font selection. Only X11 and SDL currently do.

Supported Ps1 values:

0 Default font
1 Font selected by the high intensity bit when CSI ? 31 h is enabled
2 Font selected by the blink intensity bit when CSI ? 34 h is enabled
3 Font selected by both the high intensity and blink bits when both CSI ? 31 h and CSI ? 34 h are enabled

Currently included fonts are:

0 Codepage 437 English
1 Codepage 1251 Cyrillic, (swiss)
2 Russian koi8-r
3 ISO-8859-2 Central European
4 ISO-8859-4 Baltic wide (VGA 9bit mapped)
5 Codepage 866 © Russian
6 ISO-8859-9 Turkish
7 haik8 codepage (use only with armscii8 screenmap)
8 ISO-8859-8 Hebrew
9 Ukrainian font koi8-u
11 ISO-8859-4 Baltic (VGA 9bit mapped)
12 Russian koi8-r (b)
13 ISO-8859-4 Baltic wide
14 ISO-8859-5 Cyrillic
15 ARMSCII-8 Character set
16 ISO-8859-15 West European
17 Codepage 850 Multilingual Latin I, (thin)
18 Codepage 850 Multilingual Latin I
19 Codepage 885 Norwegian, (thin)
20 Codepage 1251 Cyrillic
21 ISO-8859-7 Greek
22 Russian koi8-r ©
23 ISO-8859-4 Baltic
24 ISO-8859-1 West European
25 Codepage 866 Russian
26 Codepage 437 English, (thin)
27 Codepage 866 (b) Russian
28 Codepage 885 Norwegian
29 Ukrainian font cp866u
30 ISO-8859-1 West European, (thin)
31 Codepage 1131 Belarusian, (swiss)
32 Commodore 64 (UPPER)
33 Commodore 64 (Lower)
34 Commodore 128 (UPPER)
35 Commodore 128 (Lower)
36 Atari
37 P0T NOoDLE (Amiga)
38 mO'sOul (Amiga)
39 MicroKnight Plus (Amiga)
40 Topaz Plus (Amiga)
41 MicroKnight (Amiga)
42 Topaz (Amiga)

Not all fonts are supported in all modes. If a font is not supported in the current mode, no action is taken, but there should be a non-zero 'Font Selection result' value in the Font State Report. ECMA-48

Cursor Next Line (CNL)

Sequence: CSI Pn E
Defaults: Pn = 1
Moves the cursor to the first column of the line Pn down from the current position. Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor at the screen boundary. ECMA-48

Cursor Preceding Line (CPL)

Sequence: CSI Pn F
Defaults: Pn = 1
Moves the cursor to the first column of the row Pn up from the current position. Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor at the screen boundary. ECMA-48

Cursor Character Absolute (CHA)

Sequence: CSI Pn G
Defaults: Pn = 1
Movies the cursor to column Pn of the current row. ECMA-48

See Also