Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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External Program Data File (a.k.a. drop file), CHAIN.TXT format.

This file should normally be created in the current node's directory (example: C:\sbbs\node1). The current node's directory can be easily passed to external programs via command line (using the %n command line specifier in SCFG) or more easily retrieved by external programs be reading the SBBSNODE environment variable.

The CHAIN.TXT is a plain text file consisting of CRLF-delimited lines, parsed one line at a time.

Line No Example Description
01 27 User Number
02 EDITOR User's Handle
03 Bob Marx User's real name
04 ? ?
05 25 User's Age
06 M Gender
07 100 GOLD
08 10/14/91 Date of Current/Last Login
09 80 Screen Columns
10 25 Screen Rows
11 255 Security Level
12 0 ?
13 0 ?
14 1 1 = ANSI, 0 = NO ANSI
15 0 ?
16 86220 Time allowed on (IN SECONDS)
17 C:\WWIV\GFILES\ Directory where Text files are to be stored
18 C:\WWIV\DATA\ Directory where WWIV and network files are found
19 911022.LOG Name of Current Daily Log File
20 BBS.LOG Ditto, But this log file is different
21 2400 “KB” if local login, or BAUDRATE if remote login
22 0 COM Port
23 B.U.G. Bytes BBS BBS Name
24 Pat Marr SYSOP's Name
25 64000 Time of Call, Expressed as Seconds Past Midnight
26 0 ?
27 1079 Uploads, expressed as KILOBYTES Uploaded
28 19 Uploads, expressed as # OF FILES Uploaded
29 2 Downloads, expressed as KILOBYTES
30 2 Downloads, expressed as # OF Files
31 8N1 8 Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit

See Also