External Program Data File (a.k.a. drop file), CHAIN.TXT
This file should normally be created in the current node's directory
(example: C:\sbbs\node1
). The current node's directory can be easily passed
to external programs via command line (using the %n command line specifier
in SCFG) or more easily retrieved by external programs be reading the
SBBSNODE environment variable.
is a plain text file consisting of CRLF-delimited lines, parsed one line at a time.
Line No | Example | Description |
01 | 27 | User Number |
02 | EDITOR | User's Handle |
03 | Bob Marx | User's real name |
04 | ? | ? |
05 | 25 | User's Age |
06 | M | Gender |
07 | 100 | GOLD |
08 | 10/14/91 | Date of Current/Last Login |
09 | 80 | Screen Columns |
10 | 25 | Screen Rows |
11 | 255 | Security Level |
12 | 0 | ? |
13 | 0 | ? |
14 | 1 | 1 = ANSI, 0 = NO ANSI |
15 | 0 | ? |
16 | 86220 | Time allowed on (IN SECONDS) |
17 | C:\WWIV\GFILES\ | Directory where Text files are to be stored |
18 | C:\WWIV\DATA\ | Directory where WWIV and network files are found |
19 | 911022.LOG | Name of Current Daily Log File |
20 | BBS.LOG | Ditto, But this log file is different |
21 | 2400 | “KB” if local login, or BAUDRATE if remote login |
22 | 0 | COM Port |
23 | B.U.G. Bytes BBS | BBS Name |
24 | Pat Marr | SYSOP's Name |
25 | 64000 | Time of Call, Expressed as Seconds Past Midnight |
26 | 0 | ? |
27 | 1079 | Uploads, expressed as KILOBYTES Uploaded |
28 | 19 | Uploads, expressed as # OF FILES Uploaded |
29 | 2 | Downloads, expressed as KILOBYTES |
30 | 2 | Downloads, expressed as # OF Files |
31 | 8N1 | 8 Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit |