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Chat Section
This module (exec/chat_sec.js
) displays the “Chat” menu/prompt from the Terminal Server accepts/acts upon user input (hot keys) to perform chat-related functions.
┌───────────────────┐ │ Chat Command Menu │ └───────────────────┘ ████████████████████ Join a Chat ████████████████████████████ Toggles █████████ █ █ █ █ J Join/initiate multinode chat █ D Allow paging off/on █ █ P Join/initiate private node to node chat █ A Activity alerts off/on █ █ C Chat with the sysop █ S Split screen pvt chat █ █ T Talk with the system Guru (Artificial Person) █───────────────────────────█ █ F Finger (Query) a remote user or system █ █ █ R Internet Relay Chat ( █ █ █ I Inter-BBS Instant Messaging █ Q Quit from Chat section █ █ █ █ █ Anytime: Ctrl-U Who's online Ctrl-P Send private msg Ctrl-C Abort cmd/text█ Chat: