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Bullseye Bulletins
Bullseye Bulletins (/sbbs/exec/bullseye.js) is used to display plain text files that contain information you would like users to have access to, similar to SCFG>Text Files Section.
bullseye.js reads the available list of display files contained in ../text/bullseye.cfg
and loads ../text/bullseye.acs(msg/asc/ans)
Adding Items to Bullseye Bulletins
Edit ../text/bulleyes.cfg using a text editor of your choice
user@whatever:/sbbs/text $ nano bullseye.cfg
bullseye.cfg file format
0 ../text/qna/faqs.txt ../text/sbbs.msg ../docs/dove-net.txt
Note: the “0” (zero) on the first line is important and must not be removed. This is a place holder so the counter does not start at 0.
the remain items, one per line, correspond to the item number in bulleyes.msg menu file.