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Table of Contents
Install Synchronet on Docker
Synchronet on Docker Hub images are is built from source via bbs-io/synchronet-docker on github. Images are build for x86_64, armv7 and arm64.
- :latest - The latest stable release version (3.18b)
- #, #.##, #.##x - Major, Minor, Patch options
- :nightly - The latest nightly
- :nightly-YYYYMMDD - Specific nightly (ex: nightly-20210222)
Windows Users
If you are running Windows, it is recommended that you first install WSL2, then Docker Desktop, configured for WSL2 and doing your volume mounts from inside WSL2 (such as with Ubuntu). VS Code with WSL Remote extension will make editing much easier to work with. Note: you can access your WSL2 instances in explorer via `\\wsl$`. You may want to add your SBBS volume directory to your Quick access shortcuts.
The easiest way to get running is with docker-compose.
mkdir ~/sbbs cd ~/sbbs wget -O docker-compose.yml docker-compose up -d sudo chmod -R a+rwX ./*
To shutdown:
docker-compose down
To get a bash prompt inside the running container:
docker exec -it sbbs bash
To run scfg:
docker exec -it sbbs scfg
Editing Content
If you are wanting to edit/update files, you may want to run the following on your common shared path, as files are created as root within the container.
sudo chmod a+rwX /sbbs
docker run -i sbbs sbbs-access
In order to better support portability, the following volume mounts are expected. Most directories will be populated on first run.
- `/backup` - location in order to generate/create backup scripts inside the container.
- `/defaults` - updated on first run, or updated versions, will container default directories from `/sbbs/` for reference.
- `/sbbs/ctrl` - note: `text.dat` will be overwritten on updated versions.
- `/sbbs/text`
- `/sbbs/web` - not populated, copy files from `/backup/defaults/web-ecweb4` or `/backup/defaults/web-runemaster`
- `/sbbs/data`
- `/sbbs/fido`
- `/sbbs/xtrn` - external programs, will populate directories that don't exist on first run or update
- `/sbbs/mods` - your customizations, empty by default
- `/sbbs/nodes` - shared nodes directory, not required if a single host is used.
Synchronet is preconfigured for the following services/ports, see `/sbbs/ctrl/sbbs.ini` and `/sbbs/ctrl/services.ini` for additional configuration.
- `80` - http
- `443` - https
- `1123` - ws-term - used for ftelnet virtual terminal web connections
- `11235` - wss-term - used for ftelnet virtual terminal web connections
- `21` - ftp
- `22`- ssh
- `23` - telnet
- `513`- rlogin
- `64` - petscii 40-column
- `128` - petscii 128-column
- `25` - smtp-mail
- `587` - smtp-submit
- `465` - smtp-submit+tls
- `110` - pop3
- `995` - pop3+tls
- `119` - nntp
- `563` - nntps
- `18` - message send prot
- `11` - active user svc
- `17` - qotd
- `79` - finger
- `6667` - irc
Other services/ports that may be enabled:
- `5500` - hotline
- `5501` - hotline-trans
- `24554` - binkp
- `24553` - binkps
- `143` - imap
- `993` - imap+tls