Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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 ====== Start, Control, and Monitor Synchronet BBS using systemd ====== ====== Start, Control, and Monitor Synchronet BBS using systemd ======
-If you run a modern GNU/Linux distribution, it is likely using [[|systemd]] as its "init system" for starting and controlling system services/daemons. Installing Synchronet into this system is recommended for such systems so that Synchronet will start upon system boot and provide all the control and monitoring expected of an integrated system service.+If you run a modern GNU/Linux distribution, it is likely using [[|systemd]] as its "init system" for starting and controlling system services/daemons. Installing Synchronet into systemd is recommended for such systems so that Synchronet will start upon system boot and provide all the control and monitoring expected of an integrated system service.
 ===== Install ===== ===== Install =====