Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

You can donate to the Synchronet project using PayPal.


SyncEdit is an old external message editor originally designed for use with Synchronet Multinode BBS Software (for DOS). It was later extended to support other BBS packages as well.


Robert D. Bouman is the author of SyncEdit. Unfortunately he passed away several years ago. I, Rob Swindell, am the author of Synchronet BBS Software and while I was given permission to include an unregistered demo version of SyncEdit in Synchronet distributions, I am not the author of SyncEdit and have never had any official connection with the product. I've decided to create this help file to answer all the common questions I get regarding SyncEdit (the most common being: “How do I register YOUR product, SyncEdit?”).


Since it is no longer possible to purchase SyncEdit registrations, I have been including my personal registration key (SYNCEDIT.KEY, registered to “Digital Dynamics”) with Synchronet distributions since v2.30b. Feel free to use this registration key guilt-free, as that's what I think Robert would have wanted. If you're using v2.20 or later, you'll need to convert this key to the SYNCEDIT.CFG file format by using the KEY2CFG.EXE program (included with the SyncEdit archive: SYEDTxxx.ZIP).

Y2K Patch

There is a Y2K bug in all known versions of SyncEdit where the year 2000 is displayed as 100, causing the status bar to wrap and making the program unusable. I've released a group of binary-edited SyncEdit executables (for all located versions) that works around this problem: the year is still displayed as 100, but the status bar no-longer wraps. The file that includes these patched files is SYEDTY2K.ZIP.


First, it is very important that you know WHAT VERSION of SyncEdit you're trying to get working. You can tell by looking at the file size of your SYNCEDIT.EXE in your Synchronet EXEC directory and comparing to the following list of known/located released versions:

Size Version
166222 1.5.3
166570 2.0.0
162594 2.0.5
164490 2.20A
170900 2.50
192126 3.00
191906 3.05

If the file size of your SYNCEDIT.EXE does not match any of the above, check your SyncEdit documentation for the version number or logon to Vertrauen to obtain one of the above versions (and the Y2K patches).

Different versions of SyncEdit require different configurations in SCFG (SBBSCTRL->BBS->Configure)->External Programs->External Editors->SYNCEDIT:

v1.0 - v1.5.0

Name                            SyncEdit			    
Internal Code                   SYNCEDIT			    
Command Line                    %!syncedit %! %l %f		    
Access Requirements             ANSI				    
Intercept I/O                   Standard <- Versions 1.0 - 1.5.0 only! 
Native Executable               No                                
Use Shell to Execute            No                                
Word Wrap Quoted Text           Yes                               
Automatically Quoted Text       None                              
Editor Information Files        WWIV EDITOR.INF/RESULT.ED
Expand Line Feeds to CRLF       No				    
Strip FidoNet Kludge Lines      No
BBS Drop File Type              Synchronet      XTRN.DAT	    

v1.5.3 - v2.0.5

Name                            SyncEdit			    
Internal Code                   SYNCEDIT			    
Command Line                    %!syncedit %! %l %f		    
Access Requirements             ANSI				    
Intercept I/O                   No				    
Native Executable               No                                
Use Shell to Execute            No                                
Word Wrap Quoted Text           Yes                               
Automatically Quoted Text       None                              
Editor Information Files        WWIV EDITOR.INF/RESULT.ED
Expand Line Feeds to CRLF       No				    
Strip FidoNet Kludge Lines      No
BBS Drop File Type              Synchronet      XTRN.DAT	    


Name                            SyncEdit			    
Internal Code                   SYNCEDIT			    
Command Line                    %!syncedit %l %f		    
Access Requirements             ANSI				    
Intercept I/O                   No
Native Executable               No                                
Use Shell to Execute            No                                
Word Wrap Quoted Text           Yes                               
Automatically Quoted Text       None                              
Editor Information Files        WWIV EDITOR.INF/RESULT.ED
Expand Line Feeds to CRLF       No				    
Strip FidoNet Kludge Lines      No
BBS Drop File Type              Synchronet      XTRN.DAT	    


Name                            SyncEdit			    
Internal Code                   SYNCEDIT			    
Command Line                    %!syncedit %l %f		    
Access Requirements             ANSI				    
Intercept I/O Interrupts        No				    
Native Executable               No                                
Use Shell to Execute            No                                
Word Wrap Quoted Text           Yes                               
Automatically Quoted Text       None                              
Editor Information Files        QuickBBS MSGINF/MSGTMP
Expand Line Feeds to CRLF       No				    
Strip FidoNet Kludge Lines      No
BBS Drop File Type              Synchronet      XTRN.DAT	    

v3.00 - v3.05

Name                            SyncEdit			    
Internal Code                   SYNCEDIT			    
Command Line                    %!syncedit -maxlines %l -f %f     
Access Requirements             ANSI				    
Intercept I/O                   No				    
Native Executable               No                                
Use Shell to Execute            No                                
Word Wrap Quoted Text           Yes                               
Automatically Quoted Text       None                              
Editor Information Files        QuickBBS MSGINF/MSGTMP
Expand Line Feeds to CRLF       No				    
Strip FidoNet Kludge Lines      No
BBS Drop File Type              GAP             DOOR.SYS	    


SyncEdit v2.20 and higher requires running SETUP.EXE (included in the SyncEdit archive: SYEDTxxx.ZIP - should be unzipped with all other SyncEdit files into your Synchronet exec directory).

Example configuration:

 Directory of external files : C:\SBBS\EXEC\
 User Timeout in Minutes : 3
 Allow user dictionaries : Yes
 Memory swap method : EMS
 Registration code : ****************
 Registered to : Digital Dynamics

:!: Note: SyncEdit/G configurations not given (use SyncEdit instead).

See Also