Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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Usurper for DOS

SCFG Settings

Name                       Usurper v0.17
Internal Code              USURPER
Start-up Directory         ../xtrn/usurper
Command Line               usurper /P%n
Clean-up Command Line
Execution Cost             None
Access Requirements
Execution Requirements
Multiple Concurrent Users  Yes
Intercept Standard I/O     No
Native (32-bit) Executable No
Modify User Data           No
Execute on Event           No
BBS Drop File Type         RBBS/QuickBBS   DORINFO1.DEF
Place Drop File In         Node Directory

Usurper compiled natively for Linux

SCFG Settings

Name                       Usurper v0.24
Internal Code              USURPER
Start-up Directory         ../xtrn/usurper
Command Line               USURPER /N%# /P%n
Clean-up Command Line
Execution Cost             None
Access Requirements
Execution Requirements
Multiple Concurrent Users  Yes
Intercept Standard I/O     No
Native (32-bit) Executable Yes
Use Shell to Execute       No
Modify User Data           No
Execute on Event           No
Pause After Execution      No
BBS Drop File Type         Mystic          DOOR32.SYS
Place Drop File In         Node Directory
Time Options...

Door Specific Instructions

Usurper is pretty easy. You just need to pass path to the dropfile on the command line like above and it's easy.

Edit USURP.CTL in Usurper directory and make sure the following are set correctly. Also, check everything else while you're in there.

; Uncomment the next line if you use a fossil device driver and wish to have
; the door initialize your fossil to the locked/baud speed rate.

Usurper natively on Linux note: For Usurper 0.24 or higher (e.g. git development code), you may need to specify BBSTYPE as DOOR32, but newer development code automatically detects the presence of Linux, and the USURP.CTL file can be empty but should still be present in order to suppress a warning message about a missing USURP.CTL file.

See Also