Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

You can donate to the Synchronet project using PayPal.

Sunrise Doors

Only the 16-bit DOS doors from Sunrise Door Software are compatible with Synchronet BBS Software1).

Most (or all?) of the Sunrise Doors are setup and configured similarly. We will use “3 - Pair Poker” as an example Sunrise Door game to install.

These setup instructions assume you have Synchronet for Windows v3.18a or later with DOSXTRN.EXE revision 25 or later installed on a 32-bit edition of Microsoft Windows.

When you run the Sunrise Door installer, it might extract the door files to a long directory, such as:


Create a short DOS compatible (8.3) directory name off of your Synchronet xtrn directory, like so:

mkdir c:\sbbs\xtrn\3pairp

and then copy the door files there:

 Directory of c:\sbbs\xtrm\3pairp
04/14/2020  10:54 PM    <DIR>          .
04/14/2020  10:54 PM    <DIR>          ..
03/23/2003  03:55 PM               766 cards.ico
08/24/2016  11:28 AM             1,656 EULA.txt
09/16/1999  03:28 PM                63 PAIR3.BAT
09/16/1999  03:28 PM               294 PAIR3.CFG
09/16/1999  03:28 PM            27,717 PAIR3.DOC
09/16/1999  03:27 PM           111,630 PAIR3.EXE
09/16/1999  03:28 PM             1,102 PAIR3.INS
09/16/1999  03:29 PM             1,844 README.1ST
04/14/2020  10:54 PM             1,807 unins000.dat
04/14/2020  10:54 PM           721,122 unins000.exe
              10 File(s)        868,001 bytes  

Now edit the door's .CFG file to include the dynamic path to the current node's drop file (%PCBDIR%\DOOR.SYS) and set the other lines to match your BBS and sysop name (see the door's .DOC file for full details).

Your BBS

Now setup the door in SCFG->External Programs->Online Programs (Doors)->[Create/Select a Section]->Programs...

║                       3 pair poker                       ║
║ │Name                       3 pair poker                 ║
║ │Internal Code              3PAIRPOK                     ║
║ │Start-up Directory         ..\xtrn\3pairp               ║
║ │Command Line               pair3.exe pair3.cfg          ║
║ │Clean-up Command Line                                   ║
║ │Execution Cost             None                         ║
║ │Access Requirements                                     ║
║ │Execution Requirements                                  ║
║ │Multiple Concurrent Users  Yes                          ║
║ │I/O Method                 FOSSIL or UART               ║
║ │Native Executable/Script   No                           ║
║ │Use Shell or New Context   No                           ║
║ │Modify User Data           No                           ║
║ │Execute on Event           No                           ║
║ │Pause After Execution      No                           ║
║ │Disable Local Display      No                           ║
║ │BBS Drop File Type         GAP             DOOR.SYS     ║
║ │Place Drop File In         Node Directory               ║

Once this is done your BBS recycles its configuration files, your terminal server (BBS) users should be able to run the door (play the game). Enjoy!

See Also

their 32-bit doors are written for use with Wildcat! WINServer only!