Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

You can donate to the Synchronet project using PayPal.


Firstly, LORE is a 16-bit DOS program, so it'll only work in 32-bit (i386/x86) editions of Windows or possibly in Linux-DOSEMU (unconfirmed).

If you can't run LORE's config.exe or lore.exe (in local mode), then it's not going to run as a BBS door either.

Game Config

After installing, run LORE's config.exe and from the Config (Alt-C) menu, go to Game Configuration...

You probably want to set the System Name and System Operator on this menu.

If you have the lorefont file installed and expect your users to be using a terminal (e.g. SyncTERM) where you can dynamically load it, check the “Graphic Character Set” checkbox:

Multinode Options

Next, go to the config.exe Config -> Multinode Options drop-down menu which will bring up the Multinode Settings menu (I know, it's not consistent):

Check the “Enable real-time multinode” checkbox. Unless you're running in DOSbox, DOSCMD, or some other very limited DOS emulation environment where file sharing doesn't work exactly right, then this feature should be enabled.

Nodes Configuration

Next, go to the config.exe Config -> Nodes Configuration drop-down menu which will bring up the Node Editor menu:

Now you must Insert a node for every BBS node you have that may execute this door game. For each, you need to set the Comm. Method to either:

  1. Internal Comm. Support
  2. FOSSIL Driver
  3. Extended FOSSIL Driver ← This setting should provide the fastest output with lowest CPU utilization

Set the Dropfile Type to DOOR.SYS and Get port information from to Custom Settings.


Add to SCFG->External Programs->Online Programs-><add/select section>:

║                           LORE                           ║
║ │Name                       LORE                         ║
║ │Internal Code              LORE                         ║
║ │Start-up Directory         ..\xtrn\lore                 ║
║ │Command Line               lore.exe /N%# /P%n           ║
║ │Clean-up Command Line                                   ║
║ │Execution Cost             None                         ║
║ │Access Requirements        ANSI                         ║
║ │Execution Requirements                                  ║
║ │Multiple Concurrent Users  Yes                          ║
║ │Intercept I/O              No                           ║
║ │Native Executable          No                           ║
║ │Use Shell to Execute       Yes                          ║
║ │Modify User Data           No                           ║
║ │Execute on Event           No                           ║
║ │Pause After Execution      No                           ║
║ │BBS Drop File Type         GAP             DOOR.SYS     ║
║ │Place Drop File In         Start-Up Directory           ║

:!: Note: The “Use Shell to Execute” setting is important. Without it set to “Yes”, LORE will not work (on Windows).

See Also