Frotz is a 16-bit MS-DOS interpreter for interactive fiction games. The code is maintained by David Griffith. The current version is 2.54 and can be found at the If-Archive.
To get Frotz to work on a BBS, you'll need Doorway, except for Linux systems where Fronz will run just fine. The current version is 2.32. Doorway will redirect the output from Frotz to the terminal, allowing games to be played easily. Doorway is still sold by PC Micro.
Synchronet's CIOXTRN is a free/open source alternative to Doorway.
SCFG Settings
Name Frotz Internal Code Frotz Start-up Directory ../xtrn/frotz Command Line game.bat c:\sbbs\node%# Clean-up Command Line Execution Cost None Access Requirements Execution Requirements Multiple Concurrent Users No I/O Method FOSSIL Native (32-bit) Executable No Use Shell to Execute No Modify User Data No Execute on Event No Pause After Execution No BBS Drop File Type PCBoard PCBOARD.SYS Place Drop File In Node Directory Time Options Set as needed for your BBS
Batch File
C:\sbbs\xtrn\frotz DOORWAY COM1F /S:%1 /G:ON /H /V:D /D /B:MSZ /FC /P:frotz.exe -b0 -u0 game.z8
In this example, the batch file needs to be named game.bat.
Door Specific Instructions
Doorway must be in the Frotz folder. Frotz will only run .z5 and .z8 interactive fiction games on the BBS.
In the batch file, you're setting up Doorway to redirect to COM1F. /S: tells Doorway where to look for .SYS file. %1 is the Node that you are passing from the command line to the batch file. /G:ON Turns on graphics. /H Halts Shells To DOS. /V:D passes the Video Mode. This mode must be Direct. /D Disables disk writes. There is no saving. /B:MSZ Handles the last line of text at the bottom or the screen properly. /FC Force carrier for Null Modems. /P is the program that you are going to run.
When you run Frotz you are passing -b0 so the background is black, the text will be white. -u0 will turn off undo, giving you more memory. You do not have to do this will all games. The last value is the game you're going to run.
You can also add -x on the command line for old Infocom games so the abbreviations work for x/g/z. Examine/Again/Wait
Register DOORWAY
DOORWAY can still be registered at You can use it for 30 days to try it out, but the program will only run for 10 minutes.
Linux Script to Save User Positions
Save the following script as rungame in your /sbbs/xtrn somewhere, such as /sbbs/xtrn/infocom. Change GAMEPATH as appropriate. I have all my Infocom games in the same /sbbs/xtrn/infocom directory for ease of use.
#!/bin/bash stty kill undef stty erase ^? if [ -z $1 ] ; then echo "Must provide a user number" exit 1 fi if [ -z $2 ] ; then echo "Must provide a filename" exit 1 fi BASENAME=$(echo $2|cut -f1 -d.) GAMEPATH=/sbbs/xtrn/infocom SAVEPATH=/sbbs/data/user/${1}/${BASENAME} if [ ! -d ${SAVEPATH} ] ; then mkdir -p ${SAVEPATH} fi /usr/local/bin/frotz -R ${SAVEPATH} ${GAMEPATH}/${2}
Then an scfg example would be:
[Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] 1: Name Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2: Internal Code ICHHGG 3: Start-up Directory ../xtrn/infocom 4: Command Line rungame %4 hitchhiker.z3 5: Clean-up Command Line 6: Execution Cost None 7: Access Requirements 8: Execution Requirements 9: Multiple Concurrent Users Yes 10: I/O Method Standard 11: Native Executable/Script No 12: Use Shell or New Context No 13: Modify User Data No 14: Execute on Event No 15: Pause After Execution No 16: Disable Local Display No 17: BBS Drop File Type None 18: Place Drop File In Node Directory 19: Time Options...
The %4 means the users user number, zero-filled to 4 digits.
Any saved games will be in /sbbs/data/user/xxxx/gamename