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Anope irc

Anope IRC Services is a Windows compatible set of services for a wide range of ircd available today.


The current version is 2.06 but for some reason I was never able to get this version to connect to IRC. However, by using the older Anope 1.8.9 version I was successful. This page is written using IRC/BBS 3.17 and Anope 1.8.9.

NOTE: Adding Anope services to your IRC deployment will disconnect you from the network. Since no other servers have your Anope services listed as compatible (U:Line) then the network will disconnect. This means you loose the channel list containing the other channels from servers other than your own. As long as you are OK with a standalone ircd then this will work for you. If you require the irc network then stick with the ircbot.


  1. Download the file from
  2. Unpack the files to a directory of choice (I find using a short path of the root is easier than the default \Program Files\Anope).
  3. Anope comes with a sample.conf file in the \Data directory. Use WordPad to view this file for proper formatting.
  4. Save this file as a TXT file with the name services.conf in the \Data directory.
  5. Make (at miniumum) the following changes to the file;
    • IRCDModule “bahamut”
    • RemoteServer IRCdIPAddress IRCdPort “password”
    • LocalAddress AnopeIPAddress
    • ServerName “name of Anope server”
    • ServerDesc “description of Anope server”
    • ServiceUser “Anope user address”
    • NetworkName “IRCd network name”
  6. Save these changes to services.conf file.
  7. You will also need to modify your IRCd.conf file in the SBBS\CTRL directory.
    • U:name of anope server:*:*
    • C:AnopeIPAddress:password:name of Anope server::10
    • N:AnopeIPAddress:password:name of Anope server::10
      • Note: Make sure these are not set to IRC Class 30 as per the Anope docs if using UseStrictPrivMsg.
    • Finally comment out (put # in front of) these two lines to allow Anope to use these nicks;
      • #Q:*:Reserved for Services:*Serv
      • #Q:*:Reserved for Services:Global
  8. Save these changes to IRCd.conf file.
  9. Start or restart IRC according to your BBS servcies configuration.
  10. Launch Anope.exe (Note there is no GUI, the command window closes but you will see Anope.exe running as a process)

If you are monitoring your IRCd output (running IRC as a standalone JSEXEC) then you will see something similiar to the following;

0652 Accepted new connection: 127.0.01 port 56522
Routing: from Link with [] established, states: TS
Routing: from has processed user/channel burst, sending topic burst.
Routing: from has processed topic burst (synched to network data).
Notice: Server sent unrecognized command: SVINFO 3 1 0 :1556128615
Notice: Server sent unrecognized command: SQLINE OperServ :Reserved for services
Notice: Server sent unrecognized command: SQLINE NickServ :Reserved for services
Notice: Server sent unrecognized command: SQLINE ChanServ :Reserved for services
Notice: Server sent unrecognized command: SQLINE MemoServ :Reserved for services
Notice: Server sent unrecognized command: SQLINE BotServ :Reserved for services
Notice: Server sent unrecognized command: SQLINE HelpServ :Reserved for services
Notice: Server sent unrecognized command: SQLINE Global :Reserved for services

That's it, now you have all the services included with Anope running on your IRCd. Details on tghe individual services is located here

I'll be adding some more here shortly, including enabling sendmail integration, channel and nick management, etc.

See Also