Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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¡Esta es una revisión vieja del documento!

Unix/Linux Pre-requisitos


Usted probablemente necesita contruir Synchronet para su sistema Unix/Linux del código fuente antes de esto se necesita instalar algunos programas primero:


Required Component Files Debian Package FreeBSD Port/Package
GNU make gmake or make make devel/gmake
GNU C/C++ Compiler gcc and g++ g++ lang/gcc
System C library header files errno.h linux-libc-dev Part of system
ncurses library and headers and ncurses.h or curses.h libncurses5-dev Part of system
Netscape Portable Runtime Library and nspr.h libnspr4-dev devel/nspr
Perl perl lang/perl5.14 (version subject to change)
Python python lang/python


Es posible que la contrucción sea un poco dificil para modificar su sistema:

Recommended Component Files Debian Package FreeBSD port/package Alternative (for i386 only)
Concurrent Versions System (CVS) cvs cvs Part of system ftp or wget
Capabilities Library (Linux) and capability.h libcap2-dev Not available optional
GNU Debugger gdb gdb Part of system optional

Programas de Terceros

Componentes externos son necesarios para correr Synchronet BBS:


Required Component Files Debian Package FreeBSD port/package
Info-ZIP zip zip zip archivers/zip
Info-ZIP unzip unzip unzip archivers/unzip


Optional Component Files Debian Package FreeBSD port/package Comments
lrzsz rz and sz lrzsz comms/lrzsz Use sexyz instead
G-Kermit gkermit gkermit comms/gkermit

Fedora 20

See Also