Table of Contents
Node Status
The sysop can customize the strings used to represent the state of Terminal Server nodes and the actions of users when a node is in-use.
To replace node status or activity strings with static custom or translated text, create or modify a ctrl/text.ini
file and in the root section, set the desired NodeStatus*
or NodeActivity*
string IDs to your desired custom/translated string.
- NodeStatusWaitingForCall
- NodeStatusLogon
- NodeStatusNewUser
- NodeStatusOffline
- NodeStatusEventWaiting
- NodeStatusEventRunning
- NodeStatusEventLimbo
- NodeStatusLogout
- NodeActivityMainMenu
- NodeActivityReadingMsgs
- NodeActivityReadingMail
- NodeActivitySendingMail
- NodeActivityReadingTextFiles
- NodeActivityReadingSentMail
- NodeActivityPostingMsg
- NodeActivityAutoMsg
- NodeActivityXtrnMenu
- NodeActivityRunningXtrn
- NodeActivitySettings
- NodeActivityFileMenu
- NodeActivityDownloadingFile
- NodeActivityUploadingFile
- NodeActivityBiXferFile
- NodeActivityListingFiles
- NodeActivityLoggingOn
- NodeActivityLocalChat
- NodeActivityChatChannel
- NodeActivityGlobalChat
- NodeActivityChatMenu
- NodeActivitySysop
- NodeActivityQWKmenu
- NodeActivityNodeChat
- NodeActivityPagingNode
- NodeActivityRetrievingFile
- NodeActivityCustom
This strings may be contain Ctrl-A codes for customized attributes, but not @-codes for variable expansion or any other purpose.
To replace “in-use” node action/activity strings dynamically (during run-time, e.g. while a user is connected to a terminal server node), use the Baja or JavaScript replace_text
functionality to replace the NodeAction*
string corresponding with the current node action value (e.g. set the NodeActionCustom
string when setting the current node action value to NODE_CUSTOM
from load/nodedefs.js
) before using the appropriate sync
or nodesync
function to write the changes to the node.dab
and node.exb
- NodeActionMainMenu
- NodeActionReadingMsgs
- NodeActionReadingMail
- NodeActionSendingMail
- NodeActionReadingTextFiles
- NodeActionReadingSentMail
- NodeActionPostingMsg
- NodeActionAutoMsg
- NodeActionXtrnMenu
- NodeActionSettings
- NodeActionFileMenu
- NodeActionDownloadingFile
- NodeActionUploadingFile
- NodeActionBiXferFile
- NodeActionListingFiles
- NodeActionLoggingOn
- NodeActionLocalChat
- NodeActionMultiChat
- NodeActionGuruChat
- NodeActionChatMenu
- NodeActionSysop
- NodeActionQWKmenu
- NodeActionPrivateChat
- NodeActionPagingNode
- NodeActionRetrievingFile
- NodeActionCustom
These strings may contain Ctrl-A codes (for custom attributes) or @-codes (for variable expansion).
Backward Compatibility
In versions prior to 3.20, Synchronet treated the NodeAction* text.dat
strings quite differently, supported some very specific format specifiers for the inclusion of variables such as user name, age, etc. and was used to replace the entire node status text. As of v3.20, Synchronet now treats the contents of these text.dat
strings as only the user activity portion of the node status (nothing else) and supports optional @-codes for additional variables if any are desired. Most of these text.dat
string IDs were renamed slightly as well.
The displayed node list to users of the terminal server is done using the nodelist module which relies heavily on the load/presence_lib.js