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Menu Files
Menu files displayed to the remote terminal client / user are stored in the text/menu
Menu files may have one of the following file suffixes / extensions:
Extension | Description |
.asc | Ctrl-A Codes for ANSI X3.64-subset and Dumb ASCII/TTY Terminals |
.ans | ANSI X3.64 Color Terminals (only) |
.mon | ANSI X3.64 Monochrome Terminals |
.rip | RIPscrip Terminals |
.wip | WIP Terminals (deprecated) |
.html | Experimental HTMLterm |
See the Menu Directory in CVS for default menu files and their contents.
All of these file types may contain Ctrl-A Codes and/or @-Codes.
Most menu files are loaded/displayed by a command shell, so the name and location (e.g. sub-directory) of those files may depend on which command shell is in use by the users of your terminal server.
Default menu file names and descriptions:
Base filename | Displayed By | Description |
allmail | readmail.cpp | Sysop's reading all mail on system menu |
attr | writemsg.cpp | Ctrl-A code help for use within the Synchronet internal message editor |
batchxfr | bat_xfer.cpp | Batch transfer menu |
batflag | listfile.cpp | Batch flag command key menu |
chat | chat_sec.js | Chat section menu |
default.src | E-mail section menu | |
editor | writemsg.cpp | Synchronet internal editor commands and line editing keys |
exempt | useredit.cpp | Exemption flag descriptions for use within User Edit |
flagsx | useredit.cpp | Flag set (x is 1 through 4) descriptions for use within User Editor (sysop to modify) |
logoff | execfunc.cpp | Logoff screen (not displayed on fast logoff) |
logon | logon.js | Logon screen (logon1, logon2, logon3, etc. also supported) |
mailread | readmail.cpp | Reading mail menu |
main | default.src | Main section menu (the most commonly viewed menu) |
maincfg | default.src | Main configuration menu |
maininfo | default.src | Main information menu |
msgscan | scansubs.cpp | Message reading/scanning menu |
multchat | chat.cpp | Multinode chat menu |
privchat | chat.cpp | Private node-to-node chat menu |
qwk | qwk.cpp | QWK Packet configuration and transfer menu |
restrict | useredit.cpp | Restriction flag descriptions for use within User Edit (sysop to modify) |
sentmail | readmail.cpp | Reading sent mail menu |
sysmailr | readmail.cpp | Sysop additional commands while reading mail |
sysmain | default.src | Sysop additional commands for main section |
sysmscan | readmsgs.cpp | Sysop additional commands while message reading/scanning |
syssmail | readmail.cpp | Sysop additional commands while reading sent mail |
sysxfer | default.src | Sysop additional commands for transfer section |
tempxfer | tmp_xfer.cpp | Temporary directory commands menu |
transfer | default.src | File Transfer section menu |
uedit | useredit.cpp | User Edit menu |
xfercfg | default.src | File Transfer section configuration menu |
xferinfo | default.src | File Transfer section information menu |
Optional menu file names and descriptions (do not exist by default):
Base filename | Displayed By | Description |
batdprot | str.cpp | Batch download transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
batuprot | str.cpp | Batch upload transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
biprot | str.cpp | Bidirectional transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
dlprot | str.cpp | Download transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
ulprot | str.cpp | Upload transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
grps | execmsg.cpp | Message Group listing (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
subs<x> | execmsg.cpp | Message Sub-board listing, <x> is the group number |
libs | execfile.cpp | File Library listing (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
dirs<x> | execfile.cpp | File Directory listing, <x> is the library number |
xtrn_sec | xtrn_sec.js | External Program Sections (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
xtrn<x> | xtrn_sec.js | External Program listing, <x> is the section number |
xtrn/<code> | xtrn_sec.js | Message displayed just before executing the external program represented by <code> |
text_sec | text_sec.cpp | Text File Section listing (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
text<x> | text_sec.cpp | Text File listing, <x> is the text file section number |
chan | chat.cpp | Multinode Chat Channels (displayed instead of dynamically generated list) |
tmessage | default.src | Displays when the user enters the transfer section |
tpolicy | str.cpp | File transfer policy (displayed instead of text.dat strings: TransferPolicyHdr, TpUpload, TpDownload) |
random<x> | logon.js | Random logon screen (e.g. random1 , random2 , random3 , etc.) |