Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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This is an old revision of the document!

Table of Contents

Menu Files

Menu files displayed to the remote terminal client / user are stored in the text/menu directory.

Menu files may have one of the following file suffixes / extensions:

Extension Description
.asc Ctrl-A Codes for ANSI X3.64-subset and Dumb ASCII/TTY Terminals
.ans ANSI X3.64 Color Terminals (only)
.mon ANSI X3.64 Monochrome Terminals
.rip RIPscrip Terminals
.wip WIP Terminals (deprecated)
.html Experimental HTMLterm

See the Menu Directory in CVS for default menu files and their contents.

All of these file types may contain Ctrl-A Codes and/or @-Codes.

Most menu files are loaded/displayed by a command shell, so the name and location (e.g. sub-directory) of those files may depend on which command shell is in use by the users of your terminal server.


Default menu file names and descriptions:

Base filename Displayed ByDescription
allmail readmail.cppSysop's reading all mail on system menu
attr writemsg.cppCtrl-A code help for use within the Synchronet internal message editor
batchxfr bat_xfer.cppBatch transfer menu
batflag listfile.cppBatch flag command key menu
chat chat_sec.js Chat section menu
e-mail default.src E-mail section menu
editor writemsg.cppSynchronet internal editor commands and line editing keys
exempt useredit.cppExemption flag descriptions for use within User Edit
flagsx useredit.cppFlag set (x is 1 through 4) descriptions for use within User Editor (sysop to modify)
logoff execfunc.cppLogoff screen (not displayed on fast logoff)
logon logon.js Logon screen (logon1, logon2, logon3, etc. also supported)
mailread readmail.cppReading mail menu
main default.src Main section menu (the most commonly viewed menu)
maincfg default.src Main configuration menu
maininfo default.src Main information menu
msgscan scansubs.cppMessage reading/scanning menu
multchat chat.cpp Multinode chat menu
privchat chat.cpp Private node-to-node chat menu
qwk qwk.cpp QWK Packet configuration and transfer menu
restrict useredit.cppRestriction flag descriptions for use within User Edit (sysop to modify)
sentmail readmail.cppReading sent mail menu
sysmailr readmail.cppSysop additional commands while reading mail
sysmain default.src Sysop additional commands for main section
sysmscan readmsgs.cppSysop additional commands while message reading/scanning
syssmail readmail.cppSysop additional commands while reading sent mail
sysxfer default.src Sysop additional commands for transfer section
tempxfer tmp_xfer.cppTemporary directory commands menu
transfer default.src File Transfer section menu
uedit useredit.cppUser Edit menu
xfercfg default.src File Transfer section configuration menu
xferinfo default.src File Transfer section information menu


Optional menu file names and descriptions (do not exist by default):

Base filename Displayed ByDescription
batdprot str.cpp Batch download transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
batuprot str.cpp Batch upload transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
biprot str.cpp Bidirectional transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
dlprot str.cpp Download transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
ulprot str.cpp Upload transfer protocols (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
grps execmsg.cpp Message Group listing (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
subs<x> execmsg.cpp Message Sub-board listing, <x> is the group number
libs execfile.cppFile Library listing (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
dirs<x> execfile.cppFile Directory listing, <x> is the library number
xtrn_sec xtrn_sec.js External Program Sections (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
xtrn<x> xtrn_sec.js External Program listing, <x> is the section number
xtrn/<code>xtrn_sec.jsMessage displayed just before executing the external program represented by <code>
text_sec text_sec.cppText File Section listing (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
text<x> text_sec.cppText File listing, <x> is the text file section number
chan chat.cpp Multinode Chat Channels (displayed instead of dynamically generated list)
tmessage default.src Displays when the user enters the transfer section
tpolicy str.cpp File transfer policy (displayed instead of text.dat strings: TransferPolicyHdr, TpUpload, TpDownload)
random<x> logon.js Random logon screen (e.g. random1, random2, random3, etc.)

See Also