Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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config:cmdline [2022/03/15 03:33] – Reverting back to config. Andreconfig:cmdline [2023/12/14 16:40] (current) – [Specifiers] Added %- (user's chat handle) digital man
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-description = Specification for writing command lines and specifiers. 
 ====== Command Lines ====== ====== Command Lines ======
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 |''%$'' |User's credits                                    ''4534834''  || |''%$'' |User's credits                                    ''4534834''  ||
 |''%+'' |User's real name (auto-quoted)                    ''"Rob Swindell"''  || |''%+'' |User's real name (auto-quoted)                    ''"Rob Swindell"''  ||
 +|''%-'' |User's chat handle/call-sign (auto-quoted)        ''WX6YYZ''  ||
 |''%%'' |Percent symbol                                    ''%''    || |''%%'' |Percent symbol                                    ''%''    ||
 |''%?'' |Platform/operating system (build target)          ''win32''|''linux''| |''%?'' |Platform/operating system (build target)          ''win32''|''linux''|