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AlleyCat! BBS

Just Another BBS

This bbs is DEFUNCT

Bernard Gregg Somes aka mortifis passed away on July 21, 2021 of cancer. He will be missed. obituary

AlleyCat! BBS telnet://

AlleyCat! BBS Game Server

AlleyCat! BBS Game Server telnet://


Useless Drivel

- Message of the Day 
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* - AlleyCat! BBS IRCd 6667 6668
* -              - ircd.js,v 1.193 2020/04/04 08:32:04 deuce
* - 
* - AlleyCat! ... [just another] BBS
* - 

AlleyCat! BBS has been a low traffic Bulletin Board System online since 11/1994

Originally named The Empty Keg (902-864-4542) SACKVILLE, CANADA (1995) SysOp Bernie Somes running Synchronet v2.00g

Fidonet Addresses:
30 Jun 1995, nodelist.181: ,38,The_Empty_Keg_BBS,Lower_Sackville_NS,Bernie_Somes,1-902-864-,9600,v32b,v42b,CM,XA
4 Aug 1995, nodelist.216: Node removed from the nodelist
12 Jan 1996, nodelist.012: ,38,The_Empty_Keg_BBS,Lower_Sackville_NS,Bernie_Somes,1-902-864-,9600,v32b,v42b,CM,XA

Name change to AlleyCat! BBS (902-463-3261) DARTMOUTH, CANADA (1996) running Wildcat 3.9s
2 Feb 1996, nodelist.033: ,38,AlleyCat!_BBS,Dartmouth_NS,Bernie_Somes,1-902-463-,9600,v32b,v42b,CM,XA

26 Jul 1996, nodelist.208: ,38,AlleyCat!_BBS,Wichita_Ls,Bernie_Somes,1-316-691-,9600,CM,XA,V32B,V42B Wildcat 4.10 4-node
9 Aug 1996, nodelist.222: ,38,AlleyCat!_BBS,Wichita_Ks,Bernie_Somes,1-316-691-,9600,CM,XA,V32B,V42B Synchronet 2.20b
4 Apr 1997, nodelist.094: Node removed from the nodelist

19 Dec 2003, nodelist.353: ,304,AlleyCat!_BBS,Surrey_BC,Gregg_Somes,1-000-000-,300,XX,CM, Synchronet 3.11a
9 Jun 2006, nodelist.160: Node removed from the nodelist

10 Nov 2020, nodelist.315: ,110,AlleyCat_BBS,Dartmouth_NS,Gregg_Somes,-Unpublished-,300,CM,,IBN

... and the rest is ... whatever

See Also