Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

You can donate to the Synchronet project using PayPal.


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wiki:site_notice_es [2014/04/16 16:20] – created digital manwiki:site_notice_es [2016/11/21 10:39] (current) – translate noticies_es ragnarok
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-Synchronet v3.15b-Win32 (upgradehas been released (Oct-2011).+Synchronet v3.16c-Win32 (installha sido publicado (Aug-2015).
-DokuWiki just upgraded to the latestYou must now have an account on [[bbs:Vertrauen]] to edit the wiki. +Udpuede [[:donate|donar]] al proyecto Synchronet usando PayPal.
- +
-You can [[:donate]] to the Synchronet project using PayPal.+