Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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Table of Contents

Trash Can (Filter File) Manager

The “Trashman” is utility program that maintains filter files1) that contain date/time stamps (t=) and (optionally) expiration values (e=) on filter lines separated by TAB characters:^It=20250102T115506-0800^Ip=SMTP^Ir=3 FAILED LOGIN ATTEMPTS in 9.5h^Ie=20250402T125506-0800^^

The date/time stamps and expiration date/times are automatically added to some filter files by Synchronet: ip.can and spamblock.cfg.

The Trashman will remove old filter lines from these files if they are expired (the e= date/time has been reached) or the age of the line exceeds a specified maximum age (with the -a option).

If just want to safely experiment with the utility, it does have a test mode option (-t).


usage: trashman [-opt][...] /path/to/file1.can [/path/to/file2.can][...]

     -a<days> specify maximum age of filter items, in days
     -p<prot> only manage filters for specified protocol
     -t       run in test (read-only) mode
     -v       increase verbosity of output


It's suggested to run this utility at least once a month via JSexec or the Synchronet Terminal Server Event Thread. This can be accomplished by adding it (if it doesn't already exist) to SCFG->External Programs->Fixed Events->Monthly:

Native Executable/Script Yes
Use Shell or New Context Yes
Command Line %!trashman%. %z*.can %kspamblock.cfg

See Also

AKA trash can files