Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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util:scfg [2024/05/15 18:10] – [Command-line] Updated to latest (e.g. include -s option) digital manutil:scfg [2024/05/25 19:48] (current) – [See Also] Add link to uifc.ini digital man
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 :!: Note: some of the interface mode values are only available on particular platforms/operating systems. :!: Note: some of the interface mode values are only available on particular platforms/operating systems.
-===== CTRL Directory =====+===== ctrl Directory =====
 If the ''[[config:env#SBBSCTRL]]'' environment variable is set, then SCFG will find the [[config:ini files]] without needing you to specify the path to the ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory  (''[ctrl_dir]'') on the command-line. If the ''[[config:env#SBBSCTRL]]'' environment variable is set, then SCFG will find the [[config:ini files]] without needing you to specify the path to the ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory  (''[ctrl_dir]'') on the command-line.
-If the ''[[config:env#SBBSCTRL]]'' environment variable is **not** set and the ''[ctrl_dir]'' is not specified on the command-line, SCFG will look for the [[config:ini files]] in the current working directory.+If the ''[[config:env#SBBSCTRL]]'' environment variable is **not** set and the ''[ctrl_dir]'' is not specified on the command-line, SCFG will look for the [[config:ini files]] in the ''/sbbs/ctrl'' directory, by default.
 +===== scfg.ini =====
 +The default user interface/display control settings of SCFG can be overridden by creating the file ''[[dir:ctrl]]/scfg.ini'' (new to SCFG v3.20).
 +All of the ''scfg.ini'' keys are in the //root// (global) section:
 +^ Key             ^ Default Value      ^ Description ^
 +| ''video_mode''  | ''42'' (80x25 LCD) | The text/video output mode |
 +| ''uifc_mode''   | ''0''              | Bit-flags controlling the user interface library, see ''uifc.h'' for bit definitions, e.g. set to ''2'' to disable mouse support |
 +| ''ciolib_mode'' | ''0'' (auto)       | Console I/O Library Interface mode, see ''ciolib.h'' for value definitions, e.g. set to ''4'' to enable ANSI output mode |
 +| ''lines''       | //auto-detect//    | Height of user interface window, in rows/lines of text (usually, 25) |
 +| ''insert''      | ''false''          | Set to ''true'' to enable keyboard insert mode by default, not overwrite |
 +| ''esc_delay''   | ''25''             | Milliseconds to wait for escape sequence, differentiating between ESC key press and extended key escape sequence |
 +| ''scaling''     | ''0'' (auto)       | Initial display scale of graphical window, fractions supported |
 +If the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/scfg.ini'' file does not exist, SCFG will fallback to using the file ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:uifc.ini]]'', if it exists.
 ===== Usage ===== ===== Usage =====
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   * [[config:|Configuration]]   * [[config:|Configuration]]
   * [[config:cmdline|Command Lines]]   * [[config:cmdline|Command Lines]]
 +  * [[config:uifc.ini]]
   * [[ref:uifc|User Interface Library (UIFC)]]   * [[ref:uifc|User Interface Library (UIFC)]]
-{{tag>configure scfg}}+{{tag>configure scfg uifc}}