Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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util:scfg [2023/12/25 13:47] – [Command-line Usage] Latest usage (includes -host= option) digital manutil:scfg [2024/05/25 19:48] (current) – [See Also] Add link to uifc.ini digital man
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 The Synchronet Configuration Utility (SCFG) is used for viewing and modifying the primary [[config:ini files]] in the Synchronet ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory. The Synchronet Configuration Utility (SCFG) is used for viewing and modifying the primary [[config:ini files]] in the Synchronet ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory.
-{{:util:scfg_main.png|SCFG Main Menu}}+{{:util:scfg.3.20.main.png?800|SCFG Main Menu}}
-===== Invoking =====+===== Invoke =====
 SCFG may be invoked from the [[:monitor:sbbsctrl|Synchronet Control Panel]] with the BBS->Configure menu option: SCFG may be invoked from the [[:monitor:sbbsctrl|Synchronet Control Panel]] with the BBS->Configure menu option:
Line 23: Line 23:
 On UNIX, the executable file is: ''[[dir:exec]]/scfg'' On UNIX, the executable file is: ''[[dir:exec]]/scfg''
-===== Command-line Usage =====+===== Command-line =====
 Help on the command-line usage can be displayed by executing the command: ''scfg -?'' or ''scfg --help'': Help on the command-line usage can be displayed by executing the command: ''scfg -?'' or ''scfg --help'':
 <code> <code>
 +usage: scfg [ctrl_dir] [options]
 options: options:
Line 46: Line 48:
 -host=<name>      set hostname to use for alternate sbbs.ini file -host=<name>      set hostname to use for alternate sbbs.ini file
 -iX               set interface mode to X (default=auto) where X is one of: -iX               set interface mode to X (default=auto) where X is one of:
-                   X = X11 mode +                    = X11 mode 
-                   C = Curses mode +                    = Curses mode 
-                   F = Curses mode with forced IBM charset +                    = Curses mode with forced IBM charset 
-                   I = Curses mode with forced ASCII charset +                    = Curses mode with forced ASCII charset 
-                   A = ANSI mode +                    = Windows console mode 
-                   D = standard input/output/door mode+                    = Windows graphics mode 
 +                   GF = Windows graphics mode, full screen 
 +                    = ANSI mode 
 +                    = standard input/output/door mode
 -A                use alternate (ASCII) characters for arrow symbols -A                use alternate (ASCII) characters for arrow symbols
--v#               set video mode to # (default=auto+-v#               set video mode to # (default=42
--l#               set screen lines to # (default=auto-detect) +-l#               set window lines to # (default=auto-detect
--y                automatically save changes (don't ask)</code>+-s#               set window scaling factor to # (default=1.0
 +-y                automatically save changes (don't ask) 
 :!: Note: some of the interface mode values are only available on particular platforms/operating systems. :!: Note: some of the interface mode values are only available on particular platforms/operating systems.
-===== CTRL Directory =====+===== ctrl Directory =====
 If the ''[[config:env#SBBSCTRL]]'' environment variable is set, then SCFG will find the [[config:ini files]] without needing you to specify the path to the ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory  (''[ctrl_dir]'') on the command-line. If the ''[[config:env#SBBSCTRL]]'' environment variable is set, then SCFG will find the [[config:ini files]] without needing you to specify the path to the ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory  (''[ctrl_dir]'') on the command-line.
-If the ''[[config:env#SBBSCTRL]]'' environment variable is **not** set and the ''[ctrl_dir]'' is not specified on the command-line, SCFG will look for the [[config:ini files]] in the current working directory.+If the ''[[config:env#SBBSCTRL]]'' environment variable is **not** set and the ''[ctrl_dir]'' is not specified on the command-line, SCFG will look for the [[config:ini files]] in the ''/sbbs/ctrl'' directory, by default.
-===== Usage and Help ===== +===== scfg.ini =====
-At any time within SCFG, you can press the F1 key or click the ''?'' on a window to get online help about the section being edited.+
-  * ''Up'' and ''Down'' arrows: Move the lightbar that highlights the desired item. +The default user interface/display control settings of SCFG can be overridden by creating the file ''[[dir:ctrl]]/scfg.ini'' (new to SCFG v3.20).
-  * ''Home'': highlight first option in the menu. +
-  * ''End'': highlight the last option in the menu. +
-  * '' Enter'': select the highlighted item. +
-  * ''Esc'' return to the previous menu, or if at the top-level menu, quit the SCFG application. +
-  * Pressing the first letter or number of an item in the menu will highlight that item. +
-===== Using SCFG =====+
-==== Initial Setup Wizard ====+All of the ''scfg.ini'' keys are in the //root// (global) section:
-When SCFG detects a new installation, or is invoked with the ''-w'' command-line optionsit'll start the //Initial Setup Wizard// which will prompt for various import initial configuration settings.+^ Key             ^ Default Value      ^ Description ^ 
 +''video_mode''  | ''42'' (80x25 LCD) | The text/video output mode | 
 +| ''uifc_mode''   | ''0''              | Bit-flags controlling the user interface librarysee ''uifc.h'' for bit definitions, e.g. set to ''2'' to disable mouse support | 
 +| ''ciolib_mode'' | ''0'' (auto)       | Console I/O Library Interface mode, see ''ciolib.h'' for value definitions, e.g. set to ''4'' to enable ANSI output mode | 
 +| ''lines''       //auto-detect//    | Height of user interface window, in rows/lines of text (usually, 25) | 
 +| ''insert''      | ''false''          | Set to ''true'' to enable keyboard insert mode by default, not overwrite | 
 +| ''esc_delay''   | ''25''             | Milliseconds to wait for escape sequence, differentiating between ESC key press and extended key escape sequence | 
 +| ''scaling''     | ''0'' (auto)       | Initial display scale of graphical window, fractions supported |
-==== Standard I/O Mode ====+If the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/scfg.ini'' file does not exist, SCFG will fallback to using the file ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:uifc.ini]]'', if it exists. 
 +===== Usage =====
-FIXME+==== Help ====
-==== Full-screen Mode ====+At any time within SCFG, you can press the ''F1'' or ''?'' keys or click the ''?'' on a window to get online help about the list of options or items being viewed or the option being edited.
-FIXME+==== Navigation keys: ====
-=== Graphics vs. Text Mode ===+^ Key(s)                         ^ Action ^ 
 +| ''Up'' and ''Down'' arrows    | Move the lightbar that highlights the desired item| 
 +| ''Page Up'' and ''Page Down'' | Move the lightbar up or down one "screen full" at a time | 
 +| ''Home''                      | Highlight first option in the menu | 
 +| ''End''                       | Highlight the last option in the menu | 
 +| '' Enter''                    | Select the highlighted item | 
 +| ''Esc'' or ''Backspace''      | Return to the previous menu, or if at the top-level menu, quit the SCFG application | 
 +| ''F1'' or ''?''               | Display help text on current windows/dialog/list | 
 +| ''Ctrl-F''                    | Find an option or item in a list | 
 +| ''Ctrl-G''                    | Find next option or item in list (after use of ''Ctrl-F'') | 
 +| Letters/numbers               | Pressing the first letter or number of an item in the menu will highlight that item |
 +==== Editing keys: ====
 +^ Key(s)                                   ^ Action ^
 +| ''Insert'' or ''+''                      | Insert new items in lists |
 +| ''Delete'' or ''-''                      | Delete items from lists |
 +| ''Ctrl-C'' or ''F5'' or ''Ctrl-Insert''  | Copy item from list into clipboard |
 +| ''Ctrl-X'' or '' Shift-Delete''          | Cut item from list into clipboard |
 +| ''Ctrl-V'' or ''F6'' or ''Shift-Insert'' | Paste clipboard item into list (above highlighted item) |
 +==== Initial Setup Wizard ====
 +When SCFG detects a new Synchronet installation, it'll start its //Initial Setup Wizard// which will prompt the sysop for various important [[install:setup|initial configuration settings]].
 +║ New install detected, starting Initial Setup Wizard ║
 +║ │OK                                                 ║
 +The SCFG ''-w'' command-line option can also be used to force SCFG to execute its //Initial Setup Wizard//.
 +┌─────────────────────────────┤ Setup Wizard ├─────────────────────────────┐
 +│                                                                          │
 +│                                  Welcome                                 │
 +│   _________                   .__                                __      │
 +│  /   _____/__.__. ____   ____ |  |_________  ____   ____   _____/  |_    │
 +│  \_____  <    |/    \_/ ___\|  |  \_  __ \/  _ \ /    \_/ __ \   __\   │
 +│  /        \___  |    \  \___|    \  | \(  <_> )    \  ___/|  |     │
 +│ /_______  / ____|___|  /\___  >___|  /__|   \____/|___|  /\___  >__|     │
 +│         \/\/         \/     \/     \/                  \/     \/         │
 +│                                                                          │
 +│ This wizard will take you through the configuration of the basic         │
 +│ parameters required to run a Synchronet Bulletin Board System.  All of   │
 +│ these configuration parameters may be changed later if you choose.       │
 +│                                                                          │
 +│ Press  ENTER  to advance through the setup wizard or  ESC  to move       │
 +│ backward or abort the wizard.                                            │
 +│                                                                          │
 +│                                                                          │
 +│                                │Continue                                 │
 ===== Configure ===== ===== Configure =====
   * ''[[util:scfg:Nodes]]''   * ''[[util:scfg:Nodes]]''
   * ''[[util:scfg:System]]''   * ''[[util:scfg:System]]''
 +  * ''[[server:|Servers]]''
   * ''[[util:scfg:Networks]]''   * ''[[util:scfg:Networks]]''
   * ''[[util:scfg:File Areas]]''   * ''[[util:scfg:File Areas]]''
Line 103: Line 167:
   * ''[[util:scfg:External Programs]]''   * ''[[util:scfg:External Programs]]''
   * ''[[util:scfg:Text File Sections]]''   * ''[[util:scfg:Text File Sections]]''
-  * ''[[config:cmdline|Command Lines]]'' 
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
Line 110: Line 173:
   * [[config:env#SBBSCTRL]] environment variable   * [[config:env#SBBSCTRL]] environment variable
   * [[config:|Configuration]]   * [[config:|Configuration]]
 +  * [[config:cmdline|Command Lines]]
 +  * [[config:uifc.ini]]
   * [[ref:uifc|User Interface Library (UIFC)]]   * [[ref:uifc|User Interface Library (UIFC)]]
-{{tag>configure scfg}}+{{tag>configure scfg uifc}}