Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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ref:zmodem [2021/02/13 15:24] – [ZMODEM Frame] clarify the significance of 0x8A digital manref:zmodem [2021/06/29 15:34] (current) – [ZFILE FRAME FILE INFORMATION SUBPACKET] footnote about path/file names with spaces (they are in fact supported in most ZMODEM implemenations) digital man
Line 681: Line 681:
 The pathname (conventionally, the file name) is sent as a The pathname (conventionally, the file name) is sent as a
 null terminated ASCII string.  null terminated ASCII string. 
-No spaces are included in the pathname. +No spaces are included in the pathname. ((some ZMODEM implementations support path/file names that include spaces))
 Filename Considerations Filename Considerations