Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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ref:qwknet [2012/07/19 21:48] – [Basics] Typo deuceref:qwknet [2021/06/28 09:53] (current) – [Examples] BoonDock
Line 26: Line 26:
 When calling a Synchronet BBS for QWK packets, conference numbers will start When calling a Synchronet BBS for QWK packets, conference numbers will start
 at 0 (for E-mail) and then jump to 1001 or 2001 or a similar number. at 0 (for E-mail) and then jump to 1001 or 2001 or a similar number.
-The thousands place represents the message Group number and the hundreds place +The thousands and more significant places represent the message Group number and the less significant places 
-represents the Sub-board number within that group. Conference numbers are+represent the Sub-board number within that group. Conference numbers are
 not necessarily consecutive, though they are (at this time) always sequential. not necessarily consecutive, though they are (at this time) always sequential.
 The CONTROL.DAT file will contain a list of all the conferences (and numbers) The CONTROL.DAT file will contain a list of all the conferences (and numbers)
Line 126: Line 126:
 Note: Set message pointers for all conferences Note: Set message pointers for all conferences
-Subj: FREQ <filename>+Subj: FREQ &lt;filename>
 Note: File Request from file transfer database (not attachments) Note: File Request from file transfer database (not attachments)
Line 433: Line 433:
 </file> </file>
 +[[|Larger Sample]]{{:ref:qwknetmap.png?400|QWK Node Map}}
 Mail originating on VERT would NOT contain an @VIA: line when sent to the Mail originating on VERT would NOT contain an @VIA: line when sent to the