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network:dove-net [2010/02/19 23:54] digitalmannetwork:dove-net [2024/01/28 14:12] (current) – [Gateways] Fixed some copy/paste errors pointed out by Carlos digital man
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 DOVE-Net is a message network connecting numerous BBSes and the users on DOVE-Net is a message network connecting numerous BBSes and the users on
-those BBSes together via QWK and Fido networking technologies((though primarily via QWK networking technology)). DOVE-Net+those BBSes together via QWK and Fido networking technologies((DOVE-Net nodes are networked primarily via QWK networking technology)). DOVE-Net
 consists of primarily Synchronet BBSes. This is due to the fact that consists of primarily Synchronet BBSes. This is due to the fact that
 the co-founder of DOVE-Net is also the primary developer of Synchronet BBS the co-founder of DOVE-Net is also the primary developer of Synchronet BBS
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 ===== History ===== ===== History =====
-Two BBSes began DOVE-Net back in 1989. These BBSes were Vertrauen (Home +Two BBSes began DOVE-Net back in 1989. These BBSes were [[person::Digital Man]]'s **//Vertrauen//**((Home 
-of Synchronet BBS Software) and The Beast's Domain (Home of Domain +of Synchronet BBS Software)) and [[person::King Drafus]]'s **//The Beast's Domain//**((Home of Domain 
-Entertainment BBS Add-ons). The word DOVE came from DOmain VErtrauen, +Entertainment BBS Add-ons)). The word DOVE came from DOmain VErtrauen, 
-much like the word MODEM came from MOdulator DEModulator. It has nothing+much like the word MODEM came from MOdulator DEModulator(([[person::King Drafus]]'s idea)). It has nothing
 to do with that species of bird or the symbolism of peace, but we have to do with that species of bird or the symbolism of peace, but we have
 nothing against those things either. It was a small network that needed nothing against those things either. It was a small network that needed
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 inappropriate. However, today, most of the users of DOVE-Net are also the  inappropriate. However, today, most of the users of DOVE-Net are also the 
 sysops of DOVE-Net. And when there are too many "kings", you can have chaos. sysops of DOVE-Net. And when there are too many "kings", you can have chaos.
-The ultimate "king" of DOVE-Net is me, Digital Man (Rob Swindell). I don't+The ultimate "king" of DOVE-Net is me, [[person::digital_man|Digital Man]] (Rob Swindell). I don't
 claim this title because I want to, but rather because I have to: someone has claim this title because I want to, but rather because I have to: someone has
 to be "king" or NC (Network Coordinator), or whatever-you-want-to-call-it. to be "king" or NC (Network Coordinator), or whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
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 or users in the network, you'll do just fine. I certainly gain no pleasure or users in the network, you'll do just fine. I certainly gain no pleasure
 from enforcing rules and would rather everyone "just get along" and the net from enforcing rules and would rather everyone "just get along" and the net
-continue to self-rule as it has since King Drafus and I created it so many+continue to self-rule as it has since [[person::King Drafus]] and [[person::Digital Man|I]] created it so many
 years ago. years ago.
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 The sysops of DOVE-Net Node BBSes are expected to enforce the "Access The sysops of DOVE-Net Node BBSes are expected to enforce the "Access
 Requirements" of DOVE-Net, as specified later in this document. Requirements" of DOVE-Net, as specified later in this document.
 +===== Conferences =====
 +^ Name                                    ^  Security Requirements (ARS)              ^^  QWK Conf #^
 +^:::                                      ^  Access              ^  Posting             :::  ^
 +|General                                  |                      |                    |  2001  |
 +|Advertisements                                                |                    |  2002  |
 +|Entertainment                            |                      |                    |  2003  |
 +|Debate                                                        |                    |  2004  |
 +|Hardware/Software Help                                        |                    |  2005  |
 +|Programming                              |                      |                    |  2006  |
 +|Unix Discussion                          |                      |                    |  2009  |
 +|HAM Radio Operators                      |                      |                    |  2015  |
 +|Internet Discussion                      |                      |                    |  2016  |
 +|Pro-Audio Discussion                                          |                    |  2017  |
 +|Firearms Discussion                      |                      |                    |  2018  |
 +|Sports Discussion                        |                      |                    |  2019  |
 +|Religious Discussion/Debate/Evangelism                        |                    |  2020  |
 +|Hobby Corner (RC/modeling/etc)                                |                    |  2021  |
 +|Tech Talk                                |                      |                    |  2022  |
 +|Synchronet Announcements                                      |  USER NOT 0        |  2030  |
 +|Synchronet Discussion                    |                      |                    |  2007  |
 +|Synchronet Sysops Only                    LEVEL 90 OR REST Q  |                    |  2008  |
 +|Synchronet Programming (Baja)            |                      |                    |  2011  |
 +|Synchronet Programming (JavaScript)      |                      |                    |  2012  |
 +|Synchronet Programming (C/C++ and Git)                        |                    |  2014  |
 +|Synchronet Data                          |  REST Q              |                    |  2013  |
 +|DOVE-Net Sysops Only                      LEVEL 90 OR REST Q  |                    |  2010  |
 +  * Conferences are also sometimes referred to as sub-boards, message areas, echoes, SIGs, etc.
 +  * QWK conference numbers shown are from [[bbs:Vertrauen]], not (necessarily) **your** BBS.
 +  * Normally, you should have //your// sub-boards configured for "Dynamic" QWK conference numbering.
 +==== Security Requirements ====
 +The //Access// and //Posting// Security Requirements shown above are expressed in Synchronet ARS syntax.
 +These security requirements are explained in more detail here:
 +The "Synchronet Announcements" conference is a publicly accessible
 +**read-only** conference for announcements from authorized Synchronet
 +developers (currently only myself). No-one on your BBS may be allowed
 +to post messages in this message area. This can be accomplished in 
 +Synchronet by setting the "Posting Requirements" to "USER NOT 0".
 +The messages posted in this conference are also distributed as
 +an Internet mailing-list. You can subscribe to this mailing-list by
 +sending an Internet e-mail to with
 +"subscribe announce" in the message body.
 +The "Synchronet Sysops Only" conference should not be publicly accessible,
 +except for users that claim to be Synchronet Sysops.
 +The "Synchronet Data" conference contains messages not intended for human
 +consumption (the messages are used to synchronize the global BBS List and
 +Match Maker databases), so this message area should not be publicly
 +The "DOVE-Net Sysops Only" conference MUST NOT be publicly accessible. This
 +message area is for discussion among DOVE-Net Sysops **ONLY**. This is the
 +correct message area to use for "test messages".
 +If you have a Guest/Anonymous user account on your BBS, it **MUST NOT** have
 +posting privileges to **any** of the DOVE-Net conferences. This can most
 +easily be achieved in Synchronet by giving the "Guest" account the 'P'
 +(posting) or 'N' (networked sub-board) restrictions. When the "Guest"
 +account is created using the stock Synchronet ''makeguest.js'' script, it will
 +already have the 'P' restriction applied.
 +If a DOVE-Net QWKnet node (BBS) does not follow these Access Requirements,
 +it can, without warning or notice, lose some or all of its DOVE-Net access.
 +==== Gateways ====
 +The following DOVE-Net conferences are already gated to other networks:
 +  * Synchronet Discussion  <=> alt.bbs.synchronet [[USENET]] newsgroup
 +  * Synchronet Discussion  <=> SYNCHRONET echo on the [[FidoNet]] Zone 1 Backbone
 +  * Synchronet Sysops Only <=> SYNC_SYSOPS echo on the [[FidoNet]] Zone 1 Backbone
 +  * Synchronet Programming <=> SYNC_PROGRAMMING echo on the [[FidoNet]] Zone 1 Backbone
 +  * Synchronet Data        <=> SYNCDATA echo on the [[FidoNet]] Zone 1 Backbone
 ===== Joining ===== ===== Joining =====
-Please see [[network:dove-net:instructions]]+Please see the detailed [[howto:dove-net|instructions]]. 
 +===== See Also ===== 
 +  * [[module:QNET-FTP]] 
 +  * [[bbs:Vertrauen]] 
 +  * [[person:digital man]] 
 +  * [[person:King Drafus]] 
 +  * [[howto:dove-net|Join DOVE-Net]] 
 +  * [[usenet|Networks]]
 +{{tag>qwk network qnet dovenet}}