Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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monitor:sbbsctrl:properties [2018/03/01 12:11] – Links to util:binkit changed to module:binkit digital manmonitor:sbbsctrl:properties [2018/03/01 12:21] (current) – old revision restored digital man
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 ==== Config Command ==== ==== Config Command ====
-The //Config Command// is what is invoked when the BBS->Configure menu option is used. Normally this will be a command to invoke [[module:binkit]]. +The //Config Command// is what is invoked when the BBS->Configure menu option is used. Normally this will be a command to invoke [[util:SCFG]]. 
   * The first ''%s'' will be replaced with the path to the Synchronet ''[[dir:exec]]'' directory.   * The first ''%s'' will be replaced with the path to the Synchronet ''[[dir:exec]]'' directory.
   * The second ''%s'' will be replaced with the path to the Synchronet ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory.   * The second ''%s'' will be replaced with the path to the Synchronet ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory.
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 ==== Hostname ==== ==== Hostname ====
-The DNS host name of this instance of Synchronet may be over-ridden using this setting. If not set, the value from [[module:binkit]]->Networks->Internet->Address is used for the system's public host name, where needed.+The DNS host name of this instance of Synchronet may be over-ridden using this setting. If not set, the value from [[util:SCFG]]->Networks->Internet->Address is used for the system's public host name, where needed.
 ==== Log Window Size ==== ==== Log Window Size ====