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module:listgate [2010/02/24 15:30] – created digitalmanmodule:listgate [2018/03/01 12:21] (current) – old revision restored digital man
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 ====== ListGate ====== ====== ListGate ======
-FIXME+===== Overview ===== 
 +The Synchronet ListGate module (''[[dir:exec]]/listgate.js'') allows a sysop to gate one or more 
 +sub-boards (message areas) with existing, remotely hosted, Internet mailing 
 +===== Requirements ===== 
 +The Synchronet ListGate requires Synchronet v3.12 or later. 
 +===== How it works ===== 
 +The Synchronet ListGate module actually only handles the 
 +//exporting// of new messages posted to the local sub-board to the mailing list 
 +(sent as SMTP e-mail messages). The //importing// of messages from the mailing 
 +list is handled by a special feature of the Synchronet [[:server:mail|Mail server]] which 
 +allows messages received for specific addresses to be posted to local 
 +===== Configuration ===== 
 +1. If you haven't already, create the message area (sub-board) in [[util:SCFG]] that 
 +you want to gate with an existing mailing list. Be sure to make a note 
 +of the configured "internal code"
 +If you set the access or posting requirements, you'll need to append 
 +''OR USER=0'' to the requirements string(s) to allow posts from 
 +unauthenticated SMTP clients (see Access [[access:Requirements]] for details). 
 +2. Edit or create your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:listgate.ini]]'' file, creating a separate section for 
 +each sub-board that will be gated. Example (if "mysub" is the internal 
 +code for the gated sub-board and '''' is the BBS's public 
 +host or domain name for receiving e-mail): 
 +   [mysub] 
 +        to = 
 +        from = 
 +If the line ''disabled=true'' is included in the file, remove it to enable the listgate. 
 +3. Edit your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:alias.cfg]]'' file, adding a line to accept submissions from 
 +the mailing list as posts to the locally gated sub-board: 
 +   listname sub:mysub 
 +This will redirect any SMTP e-mail messages received for '''' as posts to the sub-board "mysub"
 +4. Configure your account on the list server (if you can) to not "echo back" 
 +any submissions received from you. This will prevent the dreaded "dupe 
 +loop" you would otherwise encounter. 
 +The listgate module will automatically not export any messages that were 
 +posted via SMTP (preventing any "dupe loop" from the BBS to the list). 
 +5. Setup a timed event (in [[util:SCFG]]->External Programs->Timed Events) to run the 
 +command-line ''?listgate.js'' periodically. This will export any new messages 
 +in the sub-board(s) configured in ''[[config:listgate.ini]]'' as e-mail submissions to the 
 +mailing list. 
 +6. Make sure that [[util:SCFG]]->System->Security Level Values->Level 0->Posts Per Day is set to a non-zero value and high enough to accommodate the maximum number of expected postings per day from the mailing list. 
 +===== Maintenance ===== 
 +The export pointers are kept in the file ''[[dir:data]]/subs/code.listgate.ptr'', where  
 +''//code//'' is the sub-board's internal code. 
 +You can execute ''?listgate.js -u'' to update the export pointers *without* 
 +actually exporting any existing messages to the list, or you may execute 
 +''?listgate -r'' to reset the export pointers, so that *all* the existing 
 +messages in the sub-board will be exported to the mailing list (even if they were previously exported). 
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
 +  * [[:config:listgate.ini]]
 +  * [[:config:alias.cfg]]
 +  * [[:server:mail|Mail Server]]
   * [[:module:|Modules]]   * [[:module:|Modules]]