Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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module:fileman [2025/01/09 18:26] – created digital manmodule:fileman [2025/01/10 00:03] (current) – [File Manager] Copy and paste the operation descriptions from the help text digital man
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 This utility can be used by Sysops to add, modify, or remove files from any/all file bases. This utility can be used by Sysops to add, modify, or remove files from any/all file bases.
 +===== Available operations =====
 +  * **Browse**: Explore your file directories and add, edit, move, or remove files
 +  * **Search Filenames**: Find files by name (including wildcards) in any and all directories
 +  * **Search Meta Data**: Find text in any file meta data (e.g. description)
 +  * **Search Uploader**: Find files imported/uploaded by a specific user name
 +  * **Search Pending Files**: Find files in storage directories that have not been indexed in bases
 +  * **Search Offline Files**: Find files that are indexed in filebases, but don't physically exist
 Files can be moved between file areas/bases or removed individually or in batch using //file tagging//. Files can be moved between file areas/bases or removed individually or in batch using //file tagging//.