Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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install:nix:openbsd [2013/10/10 21:57] – created with skeleton and intros; need to finish fixing the patches part after consciousness returns tomorrow TINFOILinstall:nix:openbsd [2013/10/14 12:05] (current) – [After OpenBSD Upgrades] Instructions for fixing CVS collisions were wrong. Reccomend deleting and grabbing the good copy from CVS. deuce
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 === Fixing Your Bunk Patches === === Fixing Your Bunk Patches ===
-Stay tuned, I'll fill this part in tomorrow.  My consciousness is fading.+Since you're not using the most user-friendly of operating systems, I'm going to assume that you're already somewhat familiar with what a patch is.  The //gmake/make// process for Synchronet involves patching; for some reason it doesn't seem to work always on OpenBSD.  If you understand the format of a //diff// file it will help you identify exactly what has gone wrong, but if not, the errors are fairly simple to look for. 
 +After any compilation error talking about something expected that was not found, open the source code or header file and go to the line that was specified.  This is easiest with //vim//, IMO, as you can simply open the file, type '':'' and the line number, hit enter, and you're there.  There will be a series of somewhere between 3 & 5 lines that are obviously not C declarations or source code.  They will start with a series of less than signs '<' and end with a series of greater than signs '>' If this happens, simply delete the file, then grab the current copy from CVS: ''rm badfile.c && cvs update badfile.c'' 
 +If you have any problems with this process, feel free to contact me for details or assistance.  The next time I recompile Synchronet I'll be able to provide more exact details on the patching process, as I don't have the errors in front of me any more as I write this.
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
   * [[:install:nix:|install:nix index]]   * [[:install:nix:|install:nix index]]