Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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install:dev [2023/10/25 11:09] – [Run-time files] Add blurb about expected jsexec error displayed when upgrading to v3.20 digital maninstall:dev [2024/09/23 11:25] (current) – [Run-time files] When upgrading a symlink installed, you still need the new files symlinked. deuce
Line 43: Line 43:
 ^ Platform      ^ Nightly Build ^ Continuous Build ^ ^ Platform      ^ Nightly Build ^ Continuous Build ^
-| Windows-i386  | '''' [[|https]] [[|http]] [[|ftp]] | [[|https]] | +| Windows-i386  | '''' [[|https]] [[|http]] [[|ftp]] | [[ [sbbs]|https]] | 
-| Linux-x64     | ''sbbs_dev.tgz'' [[|https]] [[|http]] [[|ftp]] | [[|https]] | +| Linux-x64     | ''sbbs_dev.tgz'' [[|https]] [[|http]] [[|ftp]] | [[ [sbbs]|https]] | 
-| FreeBSD-amd64 | N/A | [[|https]] |+| FreeBSD-amd64 | N/A | [[ [sbbs]|https]] |
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   - If you performed a [[dev:CVS]] install (e.g. on *nix), see [[howto:Git]] for instructions on updating to the Git repo((The Synchronet CVS Repository is no longer updated)).   - If you performed a [[dev:CVS]] install (e.g. on *nix), see [[howto:Git]] for instructions on updating to the Git repo((The Synchronet CVS Repository is no longer updated)).
-  - If you performed a [[dev:Git]] install (e.g. on *nix) and you opted for symbolic links to the ''[[dir:exec]]'' and ''[[dir:text]]'' directories, the only file you might need to manually update or merge would be the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[custom:text.dat]]'' file. All the other files should be automatically updated with your ''git pull'' command.+  - If you performed a [[dev:Git]] install (e.g. on *nix) and you opted for symbolic links to the ''[[dir:exec]]'' and ''[[dir:text]]'' directories, the only file you might need to manually update or merge would be the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[custom:text.dat]]'' file and creating any new symlinks to new files in execOther existing files should be automatically updated with your ''git pull'' command.
   - If you performed a [[dev:Git]] install (e.g. on *nix) and you did **not** opt for symbolic links, you will need to recursively copy the ''repo/exec'' and ''repo/text'' directories to your ''sbbs/[[dir:exec]]'' and ''sbbs/[[dir:text]]'' directories.   - If you performed a [[dev:Git]] install (e.g. on *nix) and you did **not** opt for symbolic links, you will need to recursively copy the ''repo/exec'' and ''repo/text'' directories to your ''sbbs/[[dir:exec]]'' and ''sbbs/[[dir:text]]'' directories.
-  - Over-write or merge-with your modified ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[custom:text.dat]]''. If you see some corrupted text output from the terminal server or some features don't work as expected, skipping this step could be the cause. If you don't have have or expect to make any edits to your ''text.dat'' file, consider just using a 0-byte ''text.dat'' file to always [[custom:text.dat#use defaults]].+  - Over-write or merge-with your modified ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[custom:text.dat]]'' file from [[|here]]. If you see some corrupted text output from the terminal server or some features don't work as expected, skipping this step could be the cause. If you don't have have or expect to make any edits to your ''text.dat'' file, consider just using a 0-byte ''text.dat'' file to always [[custom:text.dat#use defaults]].