Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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howto:systemd [2016/11/21 10:13] – add wikipedia links ragnarokhowto:systemd [2019/09/04 13:22] – typo digital man
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 Instead of use the old /etc/init.d/sbbs.service init script, you can create a systemd services unit file: Instead of use the old /etc/init.d/sbbs.service init script, you can create a systemd services unit file:
-Create and edit the follow files (please correct your ExecStart path and User/Group as you need): +Create and edit the follow files (please correct your ExecStart path and User/Group as you need): 
 +===== Ubuntu 16.04+ ===== 
 +  [Unit] 
 +  Description=Synchronet BBS service 
 +  Documentation=man:sbbs 
 +  [Service] 
 +  Type=forking 
 +  Environment=SBBSROOT=/sbbs SBBSCTRL=/sbbs/ctrl 
 +  User=sbbs 
 +  Group=sbbs 
 +  PermissionsStartOnly=true 
 +  ExecStartPre=/sbin/setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /sbbs/src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.x64.exe.release/sbbs 
 +  ExecStart=/sbbs/exec/sbbs d 
 +  ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID 
 +  Restart=on-failure 
 +  RestartSec=30 
 +  [Install] 
 +Some points in this config: 
 +   * **After**. If you are using syslog with sbbs, so it is nice to put that requirement before systemd tries to launch sbbs. 
 +   * **Type**. If you are to run SBBS in daemonized mode, the main executable will exit after the daemon is called. This could confuse systemd into thinking the process is finished. If you use "Type=forking" you tell systemd that the process you launch will execute another process. 
 +   * **Environment**. In order to avoid having multiple files, you can embed the variables inside the service file. 
 +   * **User/Group**. **Remove these** if you would like sbbs to start as root and then drop privileges to the User & Group configured in your sbbs.ini. Possibly remove **PermissionsStartOnly** and **ExecStartPre** as well, as they would be unnecessary.   If you leave these in, ensure the User/Group settings in sbbs.ini are commented out. 
 +   * **PermissionsStartOnly**. This one tells systemd to execute ExecStartPre as root, but ExecStart as the user and group declared in User,Group.  Can be removed if you remove the User/Group lines. 
 +   * **ExecStartPre**. Capabilities are lost from the sbbs executable every time it is recompiled. It is possible to mitigate the effect by running setcap just before the daemon is ran. The binding won't fail anymore using this. Please notice you can't point a symlink here, so modify the architecture directory to the right path (gcc.linux.x64.exe.release or gcc.linux.exe.release). 
 +   * **ExecStart**. If you don't want to get syslog entries duplicated you will have to run SBBS in daemonized mode, so the "d" parameter is used. Syslog is implicit when daemonized, so there is no need for additional parameters.  
 +   * **RestartSec**. It's advisable to wait some secs before attempting restarting in case of failure, just to give some time for binding release. 
 +Installation instructions: 
 +  -Modify the environment variables to match your SBBS setup 
 +  -Modify User and Group. If you run this as root you don't need the ExecStartPre line. 
 +  -Modify the ExecStart and ExecStartPre paths to match your Synchronet setup. 
 +  -Place this file in the correct location. For Ubuntu 16.04 you should place it in /lib/systemd/system 
 +  -Enable the service with "systemctl enable sbbs" 
 +  -To run the service without restarting "systemctl start sbbs" 
 +Running //systemctl status sbbs// will show: 
 +  ● sbbs.service - Synchronet BBS service 
 +    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sbbs.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) 
 +    Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-12-15 20:20:43 CET; 16s ago 
 +      Docs: man:sbbs 
 +   Process: 12364 ExecStart=/sbbs/exec/sbbs d (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) 
 +   Process: 12356 ExecStartPre=/sbin/setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /sbbs/src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.x64.exe.release/sbbs (code=exited, status 
 +  Main PID: 12374 (sbbs) 
 +     Tasks: 11 
 +    Memory: 30.1M 
 +       CPU: 223ms 
 +    CGroup: /system.slice/sbbs.service 
 +            └─12374 /sbbs/exec/sbbs d 
 +  Dec 15 20:23:25 HISPAMSX sbbs[1226]: term Node 1 Telnet  ------- [----------] 
 +  Dec 15 20:23:31 HISPAMSX sbbs[1226]: term Node 1 Terminal not detected, reducing inactivity hang-up timeout to 75 seconds 
 +  Dec 15 20:23:36 HISPAMSX sbbs[1226]: term Node 1 Unknown User 'Enable' 
 +  Dec 15 20:24:02 HISPAMSX sbbs[1226]: term Node 1 disconnected 
 +  Dec 11 20:24:03 HISPAMSX sbbs[1226]: term Node 1 thread terminated (0 node threads remain, 71 clients served) 
 +===== Monitoring with Byobu (Tmux backend) ===== 
 +You can have a text mode dashboard for monitoring and configuring your BBS realtime by using Byobu with Tmux or GNU Screen backends. If you are using the Tmux backend. The following configuration splits your screen in three panes: one for SBBS log, other for UMONITOR and a last one for SCFG. Please note that this configuration assumes SBBSCTRL variable is set and that access permissions to the needed files are set for the current user. 
 +Create the file ''$BYOBU_CONFIG_DIR/windows.tmux.sbbs'' with the following contents: 
 +  new-session sbbs ; 
 +  new-window -n sbbs tail -n 50 -f /var/log/sbbs.log ; 
 +  split-window -h /sbbs/exec/umonitor ; 
 +  split-window -t 1 -v /sbbs/exec/scfg ; 
 +  set-option mouse on 
 +And then run: ''user@localhost:~$ BYOBU_WINDOWS=sbbs byobu'' 
 +If you want this to be your default environment when you log at your Synchronet server, then write the configuration to the ''$BYOBU_CONFIG_DIR/windows.tmux'' file instead of ''$BYOBU_CONFIG_DIR/windows.tmux.sbbs'' 
 +The following screenshot shows the result: 
 +If are using also **binkd** for FidoNet, this configuration will split the dashboard in 4 panes: 
 +  new-session sbbs ; 
 +  new-window -n sbbs tail -n 50 -f /var/log/sbbs.log ; 
 +  split-window -p 50 -h /sbbs/exec/umonitor ; 
 +  split-window -t 0 -p 20 -v tail -f /var/log/binkd.log ; 
 +  split-window -t 1 -v /sbbs/exec/scfg ; 
 +  set-option mouse on 
 +===== Debian & CentOS 7 ===== 
-===== Debian ===== 
 /etc/default/sbbs /etc/default/sbbs
   SBBSCTRL=/sbbs/ctrl   SBBSCTRL=/sbbs/ctrl
Line 75: Line 166:
 Using tmux, Synchronet start in a session (called sbbs), you can attach to the running console using //tmux attach -t sbbs// Using tmux, Synchronet start in a session (called sbbs), you can attach to the running console using //tmux attach -t sbbs//
 +===== Recommended Tweaks to the Service Section ===
 +Add these to the ''[Service]'' section:
 +To increase the open file limit:
 +  LimitNOFILE=10000
 +To allow core file generation (for crash/segfault debugging:
 +  LimitCORE=infinity
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
   * [[:howto:|howto index]]   * [[:howto:|howto index]]
- +  * [[]] - Alternate startup script that uses "screen" rather than tmux and restarts the server if it should crash. 
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