Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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howto:linux_non-root [2020/11/24 02:01] – [setcap] Add use of getcap to confirm success, use realpath to be sure we're pointing to the target of symlinks digital manhowto:linux_non-root [2023/03/09 10:40] (current) – add link to systemd unit file digital man
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 ====== Start Synchronet on Linux as a Non-root user ====== ====== Start Synchronet on Linux as a Non-root user ======
 +===== systemd =====
 +If you're running any kind of recent (last 2yrs+) systemd, just put this line in the ''[Service]'' section of your ''[[|sbbs.service]]'' file, if it isn't already:\\
 ===== setcap ===== ===== setcap =====