Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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howto:linux_non-root [2018/03/03 23:51] – [setcap] someone missed the .x64 nelginhowto:linux_non-root [2023/03/09 10:40] (current) – add link to systemd unit file digital man
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-====== Linux Non-root ======+====== Start Synchronet on Linux as a Non-root user ====== 
 +===== systemd ===== 
 +If you're running any kind of recent (last 2yrs+) systemd, just put this line in the ''[Service]'' section of your ''[[|sbbs.service]]'' file, if it isn't already:\\ 
 ===== setcap ===== ===== setcap =====
-''setcap'' may be used to allow Synchronet (''sbbs'') for Linux to run completely as **non-root** user by explicitly allowing the binary to bind low ports using the command-line:+''setcap'' may be used to allow Synchronet (''sbbs'') for Linux to run completely as **non-root** user by explicitly allowing the binary to bind low ports using the command-line:
-<code>sudo /sbin/setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=ep' /sbbs/exec/sbbs</code>+  $ sudo /sbin/setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' `realpath /sbbs/exec/sbbs`
-This must be ran on the executable file itself (if ''/sbbs/exec/sbbs'' is a symlink, apply it to the target of the link instead). For example+This will need to be re-ran any time the binary is rebuilt and can be automated by adding the ''setcap'' target to your ''make'' command-line executed in ''src/sbbs3'': 
-  sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=ep' ~/sbbs/src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.x64.exe.release/sbbs+  $ make RELEASE=1 setcap symlinks 
 +To confirm the bind capabilities were set successfully, run
 +  sudo getcap `realpath /sbbs/exec/sbbs` 
 +  /path/to/sbbs = cap_net_bind_service+ep 
 +===== authbind =====
-This will need to be re-ran any time the binary is rebuilt (and remember to properly reference ''.debug'' or ''.release'').+An alternative may be to use authbind
-This requires that the [[|libcap2-dev]] package be installed prior to building ''sbbs'' (or perform a //clean// build of ''sbbs'' after installing ''libcap2-dev''). See [[install:nix:prerequisites]] for details.+Install authbind using your favorite package manager for your Linux Distribution. 
 +Configure it to grant access to the relevant ports, e.g. to allow 80, 21, 23,25, 110, etc 443 from all users and groups: 
 +  sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/80 
 +  sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/443 
 +and so forth for all ports you are using below 1025 ... 
 +  sudo chmod 777 /etc/authbind/byport/80 
 +  sudo chmod 777 /etc/authbind/byport/443 
 +and so forth for all ports you are using below 1025 
 +Now execute your command via authbind (optionally specifying --deep or other arguments, see the man page): 
 +  sudo authbind --deep /sbbs/exec/sbbs -d
-===== authbind ===== 
-An alternative may be to use authbind. 
-A detailed example should be added here. 
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====