Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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howto:fail2ban [2022/01/30 04:47] – Added new rule for clients consistently exceeding the maximum connection allowance Karlochhowto:fail2ban [2023/07/25 15:36] (current) – [Use Fail2Ban on GNU/Linux to block botnet's attacks] nick young
Line 105: Line 105:
 failregex = .* !TEMPORARY BAN of .* <HOST> .* failregex = .* !TEMPORARY BAN of .* <HOST> .*
             SMTP BLACKLISTED SERVER on .* \(.*\)\: .* \[<HOST>\]             SMTP BLACKLISTED SERVER on .* \(.*\)\: .* \[<HOST>\]
 +            ^.*\[<HOST>\].*\!TEMPORARY BAN.*$
 ignoreregex = ignoreregex =
 </code> </code>