Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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util:sexyz [2020/12/05 12:11] – [Optional Initialization File (sexyz.ini)] updated for SEXYZ 3.0 digital manutil:sexyz [2023/12/22 12:16] (current) – [Overview] clarify native means 32-bit or 64-bit digital man
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 ===== Overview ===== ===== Overview =====
-SEXYZ was developed as a native (32-bit) TCP/socket-based replacement for the+SEXYZ was developed as a native (32-bit or 64-bit) TCP/socket-based replacement for the
 16-bit DOS file transfer drivers (e.g. FDSZ, CE-XYZ, etc.) that we've been 16-bit DOS file transfer drivers (e.g. FDSZ, CE-XYZ, etc.) that we've been
 stuck with on 32-bit BBSes for FAR too long. stuck with on 32-bit BBSes for FAR too long.
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   * Failed: none   * Failed: none
 +===== ZMODEM Streaming =====
 +The ZMODEM protocol supports multiple methods of data streaming and error recovery. SEXYZ supports the following ZMODEM streaming modes, in order of decreasing successful data transfer assurance:
 +  * **Segmented**: a "block at a time" mode, each data subpacket acknowledged by the receiver (whom can request this mode). Can be enabled when sending via the ''-s'' option or by setting ''Streaming=false'' in ''sexyz.ini''.
 +  * **Window Management**: limiting the amount of data "in-flight" between the sender and receiver using asynchronous status reporting by the receiver. Can be controlled when sending via the ''-w'' option or by setting ''MaxWindowSize'' (and optionally ''TargetWindowSize'') in ''sexyz.ini''.
 +  * **Full Streaming**: the default, subject to large send-buffering on the sending side potentially resulting in failed error-recovery or completion-acknowledgment timeouts.
 +//Window Management// mode was added in SEXYZ v3.0 to support very asymmetric send-operations where the sender is a modern system, potentially with multiple-megabyte send-buffers, sending to a receiver that can only consume data at a rate of 115200bps (about 10KBytes/second) or less.
 ===== Support ===== ===== Support =====